She's the kind of girl

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She's the kind of girl who stays quiet at school
Shes the kind of girl who doesn't speak out incase it hurts someone else's feelings
She's the kind of girl who puts everyone else before herself
She's the kind of girl who will wake up wanting to die, but fake a smile so no one will worry
She's the kind of girl who has such a strong passion for something
She's the kind of girl who has a wicked grin from ear to ear because of a band or youtuber.
These are all things people think they know about her daily

She thinks she's the kind of girl who hurts every one she meets
She thinks she's the kind of girl who doesn't really deserve someone loving her
She thinks she's the kind of girl everyone should give up on
She thinks she's the kind of girl that goes unnoticed when she's hurting
She thinks she's the kind of girl who is terrible
She thinks she's the kind of girl who is ugly inside and out
These are the way she thinks about herself.

I put the think part in bold.  Because these are how she feels about herself, but I know what she thinks is wrong.  These last ones, are what I know, I don't think I know, I don't think I see this from her. No. I know this all

I know she is beautiful inside and out
I know she cares so fucking much about others.
I know she will put everyone before herself
I know she won't turn her back on you, no matter what
I know she would rather someone stop being her friend because of a fight, rather than death
I know she is in love with her baby
I know she is so incredible at writing
I know she is doing a phenomenal job at learning English 100%
I know she wants to give up
I know she's scared
I know that she'll never be as alone as she feels
I know she will always have someone who will love her when no one else will
I know she is my best friend
I know I can never repay her for all that she has done for me
I know she will forgive me every time I fuck up
I know I need her more than anyone else
I know that I love her just as much as I loved her yesterday, and more than I will love her tomorrow.

Because she is my best friend.  And I wouldn't trade her for the world.  And I know she's given up on life, but I won't. I refuse to give up on her.  Because she has never given up on me. And I will love her up until the day I die, I'll believe in her until the day I die, I will encourage her dreams until the day I die, and most of all, I'll never forget her, even after I have died.

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