Chapter 1: The Concert

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"TAYLOR! TAYLOR! WAKE UP! IT'S FINALLY THE DAY!" I peeled my eyes open to see my boyfriend, Blake, jumping on me like an excited puppy. When it hit me, it was finally the day I had been waiting forever for! It's finally the day of the Falling in reverse concert with the support bands Pierce the Veil and Black Veil Brides! I looked at my phone, 6:30AM! "TAYLOR! TAYLOR! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" By now, my boyfriend was actually sitting on me while I was moaning my way out of getting out of bed at such an absurd time! Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, but there is only certain things that boy will do that doesn't annoy me! I have had tickets to see Falling in reverse for the last seven months. I have been such a fan girl since the day they came! Blake on the other hand, hasn't shown any signs of caring at all.Pierce the veil is his favourite band and makes it very clear he'd leave me in a heartbeat for Vic Fuentes! He always teases me about it, knowing full well I'd drop him in an instant for Ronnie Radke! (All in good fun, obviously).

I smiled to the love of my life. "I'm so fucking excited!" I told him, pulling him into a hug.
This is the first time they have come to the UK and I'm so excited! I can't even handle it! "Woah! Calm down! Tay. Come on! Start getting ready!" Says the guy that woke me up by sitting on me and screaming in my face!

"Blake! It's 6:30! I am not getting up to get ready for something that starts at 7:30PM!" I decided to get dressed just to keep him happy, I got my 'here's Ronnie' tee on, skinny jeans, and converse I put light eye-liner on and backcombed my hair a bit, I decided to put my proper makeup on just before we leave.

*10 hours later*

Ugh! Blake is actually making us leave at 5:00PM! He said we had to be at the front so he could have a good chance of letting Vic Fuentes look at him! Seriously?! (Although I couldn't help but think how amazing it would be to have Ronnie Radke looking at me!) Ok, so we are now in the queue to see FIR, BVB, PTV!

I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Taylor Green, I'm 22 years old, I live in England with my boyfriend, we have been together for seven years, My favourite band is...yep, you guessed it, Falling in reverse. I am completely in love with Ronnie Radke, I know a lot of people say that, but seriously...I have loved him since I was 13. My other favourite band is Black veil brides, they are the reason I am who I am today! "Taylor, I am so excited I can't even handle it!!!" As I have already said...I love this boy very very much, but he is getting on my tits!

2 hours later...The crowd started roaring! When all we could hear was....."DO YOU KNOW? I COUNT YOUR HEARTBEATS BEFORE YOU SLEEP...." Roughly an hour later, Blake was in tears of happiness next to me and it was nearly time for BVB! All of a sudden, the lights went out, First CC came out, Then Jinxx and Jake, then Ashley, there was no light in the room, when all of a sudden...


I was nearly dying at this point. I was so happy! Another hour later...I was in the happiest place on Earth! Falling in Reverse we're on their second song, and it was my favourite! ROLLING STONE! Ronnie started rapping, all I could see was Ronnie, head banging, he was just so perfect! They all started to head-bang on stage while people were being lifted out of the crowd, to be honest I'm surprised I haven't passed out (yet) I had to stay here to see Ronnie performing, I would NEVER miss this for the whole world! He started playing the drug in me is you, Fuck! They always save this song until last, NO!! The end of their set! "THANK YOU SO FUCKIN MUCH! WE HOPE TO COME BACK TO ENGLAND REAL FUCKIN' SOON!!!" I nearly died, I was so sad because I knew they wouldn't be coming back for at least a year!


Blake and I went round the back of the venue Vic and the rest of pierce the veil had already come out, of course Blake already ran off to Vic, even though he already had a crowd of about 100 girls surrounding him! Then...He did the unthinkable! He Literally charged through all the girls shouting "VIC, PLEASE! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I LOVE YOU VIC! MOVE OUT THE WAY BITCHES, YOU HAVE ALREADY HAD TIME TO LOOK AND TALK TO VIC, HE'S ALL MINE NOW!" And yes! He actually did shout that, A LOT of girls gave him really weird looks, somewhere looking at him like they were having a fucking orgasm! (he is GORGEOUS!) But it turns out! he actually did meet Vic! He got him to sign his T-Shirt and his arm! I nearly cried when I found out he met Vic Fuentes and I didn't! Asswipe! I looked over to the Door and saw BVB walking out I ran as fast as I could! This time it was my turn to scream and barge through crowds of girls! "ASHLEY! I LOVE YOU!! OMG OMG OMG OMG! ASHLEY!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" He did spot me though! He smiled me and I got a hug off him..I admit, fangirling infront of one of my favourite bands wasn't my proudest moments but hey, I'm only human!

We waited around for another hour or so, I was cuddled into Blake's jacket with him, it was so cold out and it was coming up to midnight. "Maybe we should just leave?" I asked him. He let out a sigh. "I really wanted you to get a chance to meet Falling In Reverse, love. How about we wait just a little bit longer?" I smiled at his kindness and nodded to him, huddling back into his hoodie with him.

Boy was I glad we waited, no longer than ten minutes later, Derek, Ron and Jacky made an appearance. I felt weak at the knees at the look of Jacky, he had blue skinny ripped jeans on, his hair in a cute man bun at the back of his head, a denim jacket on and pink sunglasses hanging off his shirt. "Hey how you doing?" He asked me, signing my shirt I had picked especially for the guys to sign. "I-I'm a-amazing!" I stuttered. Damn! If I was this nervous infront of Jacky Vincent, who knows what I'd be like infront of Ronnie!

Just as Jacky moved onto the next fan, Ronnie stepped out of the venue doors. My knees felt weak and my breathing hurried. He had had a shower, His hair was slightly wet, brushed to one side showing off his head tattoo, and he had redone his eye liner. He spotted me, no! It couldn't have been me, could it? He was smiling at me; there was no one behind me, could it possibly be it was me he was smiling at?!
He slowly started walking over to me! "Hey! How's your night going?" He smiled at me. I couldn't even reply, I just stared at him in absolute amazement. He chuckled as he took the lid of his sharpie, signed my T-shirt and my hand just like the others did. "You're cute, come here." He said to me. Then he hugged me! And he shook my hand and winked at me. Blake was watching me and I couldn't even guess what he was thinking! I felt something in my hand...Something Ronnie had put in my hand!? I didn't look at it there and then...I waited until we got home. I had finally met the guy I have loved since I was 13!

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