Chapter 30: Shall I tell him?

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We didn't leave the lake until around 10:30PM. We got back and the only people still awake were Blake and Derek, "Hey guys!" Ronnie said to them both. " two?" Derek said in shock, no one had seen me and Ronnie even looking at each other in months, let alone walking in late together. "I'm going to find Jacky, Ronnie..." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left...


Taylor left to break up with Jacky, I told her I would do it for her. But she said she needed to do it...

"So, you and Taylor again, huh?" Blake said to me.

"...I proposed." I said to them both, I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my god! No way! That's incredible!" They both said to me. I just smiled back at them, I'm glad I've told someone, I've been dying to put it all over Social media. For hours, but I knew that would make it even worse for Jacky...


I walked into...The room that used to be mine and Jacky's...He was sitting up watching TV. "Hey Jack" I said in a low voice.

"Hey you! I've missed you. Where have you been?" He got off the bed and kissed me on the cheek. Oh god. How could I possibly tell him?! I love him, except now it felt like I loved him like he was my brother. But Ronnie will be my husband! "Oh, um. Nowhere, just went for a drive, where's Scarlett?" I asked him.

"Ok Miss mysterious." He laughed. "Ryan has her and Casey in his room." I nodded and left, I couldn't...I just couldn't tell him! I decided to leave Casey and Scarlett playing for a while, they both love Ryan anyway.


Well, I hadn't heard any arguing yet, so he probably was taking it hard...Jack is always quiet when he's upset, I was expecting them to be talking for a while. But less than two minutes after Taylor went up, she was coming back down again. "Hey baby, how did he take it?"

"Ronnie...I-I couldn't tell him!" To be honest, I was expecting her to say that, I knew she wouldn't be able to tell him. It's ok Taylor...Ill go tell him, ok?"

"NO! Please Ronnie, not yet!"

"Why, Taylor? This isn't right, you're back with me now and you're going to be sharing a bed with another man. Technically I'm your fiancée and Jacky is your boyfriend...It's not right, when were you planning on telling him?"

"I don't know, in the morning? Just please not tonight Ronnie?"

"Ok, fine. But definitely tomorrow, and if you don't, I will, he really should know tonight. I love you, and I just want you fully to myself, no one else can have you for the rest of your life!" I teased her, she smiled and kissed me. Derek and Blake had gone to bed by now. "I love you, Radke!"



I told Jacky I was ill last night so I slept in a different room. He could tell there was something wrong, but he wouldn't guess me and Ronnie were back together. "Hey baby, you awake?" Ronnie whispered in my ear, I turned round to face him; put both hands on his neck and kissed him. "Come on, lets go downstairs, hopefully Jacky will be up!" I said to him.

Five minutes later, we were both downstairs, "I'm sorry, I can't resist, Taylor!" He pressed his lips against mine and pushed me against the wall, I quickly pushed him off "Ronnie! We agreed we wouldn't show PDA downstairs!" I whispered. "You think I care?" He grabbed me by the hips and threw me onto the dining table. "I've missed the taste of you, sweetheart." Ronnie told me, running his fingers up my thigh and towards my underwear. His touch made me feel weak and I melted into him. "Ronnie. I want you to make love to me-"

"Taylor?" I heard a quiet voice say. Jacky...

"Shall I tell him?" Ronnie said to me, I looked at the ground and nodded.

"No need, its obvious, you two are back together. Its fine, I'm happy for you Ronnie, and Taylor, well I knew it would happen eventually. Its fine." He said to us, smiling slightly. I knew it was a lie, but I walked up to him and hugged him. "Thank you Jacky." He hugged me back for a second and headed back upstairs.

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