Chapter 11: Would you rather..?

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*Allow your dirty minds to kick in here*

"You were amazing! It's hard to believe that was your first time baby, you were incredible." He said, in between pants.

"I had no idea it would feel so amazing!" we both smiled, I stayed in his bed for the rest of the night. We stayed awake for hours, mostly making out, he asked me if I wanted to do it again, I wasn't quite ready, but I didn't want to disappoint him so instead, "I have a better idea!" I said, I kissed him on his lips, then cheek, chest, stomach and carried on going until I reached his member, I could feel him throbbing in my hand. "Oh baby please don't stop" he whispered, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me deeper. 


Me and Derek are still together, my dad is still not aware that were together, he knows that we kissed but he hasn't figured out that more has happened between us yet. He told me he loved me for the first time last week, I know in my heart that I have strong feelings for him but I couldn't bring myself to say it back, not yet anyway.
The past month has been a constant blur sex, romance, shows and more sex. It's been amazing, but there's just something getting in the way, maybe I'm just being paranoid-

"Hey Layla-Loo!" Ryan skipped over to me resting his arm on my shoulder. I chuckled and brushed him off. "Hey Ry-Bear. You ready to go?" I asked, he nodded and grabbed his keys.

Me and Ryan have been getting closer, were going to the mall today, just as friends! There was something in me that couldn't help but feel that I should've been with Ryan...


The day was coming to an end, Ryan stopped me as we were walking out of the mall and to his car. He had been thanking me all day for being there for him after him and Jenn broke up. He stopped me.. "Seriously, Thank you! You're the only one that has been there for me, I really appreciate it!" He looked at me in a way he had never looked at me before. "You have been there for me, And, I guess this is my way of saying thanks..." He was getting closer and closer to my face, he rested his hand on my cheek and looked deep into my eyes, I was frozen, I couldn't do anything but stare back. "Deep down I knew me and Jen were never right for each other, I've always been holding out for the one. And I think- No, I know that I've found her."  and with that, he kissed me, I tended up at his kiss, I began to relax when I realised this isn't me, I can't be doing this. "Ryan, stop! I have a boyfriend!" I said as I pushed him off of me.

"WHAT?! You do?! Who is it?!" I started blushing as I realised the only person that knew was Taylor, we thought everyone had gone to the movies, turns out Taylor stayed home sick and walked in on us making out on the couch. We haven't really spoke since, she gave me a lecture about telling my dad and I just wasn't ready to yet.

"Ryan, Me and Derek, we-" I began to explain.

"DEREK?!" He replied with a disgusted look on his face. "Yeah, Derek! What do you mean by that?! I questioned.
"Please, Layla. I know how you feel about me, You don't have to pretend with me, I know you're in love with me!" I looked down to the ground, he lifted my chin up with his finger and kissed me again, I liked Derek, I really did! But there was nothing really...there..? I couldn't resist anymore, I kissed him back. "RYAN?!" We both stopped immediately and turned to look at....oh shit. DEREK! "Layla, What are you doing...?" He didn't even raise his voice, I could tell he had a lump in his throat, his eyes were welling up and his lip started to quiver. "Please tell me by some miracle that this is all a misunderstanding and I didn't just see what I think I saw?" He said to me. I let out a sigh, "Derek what are you doing here?" I asked. "I've been calling you, I was worried you haven't been answering me all day" he replied, only sounding slightly annoyed now.

"Derek, I'm so sorry! I really did like you, but, I felt something with Ryan that we didn't have! I'm so sorry it had to be like this, I never wanted to hurt you!" I saw some tears roll down his face, "I'm so sorry man, I didn't want it like this, I didn't even know you two were together!"

"Derek, you know I loved you, but we didn't really have what I feel I can have with Ryan...I'm so sorry"

"Did you love me? Because I don't think you did. If you did you would've said it back." He replied, I couldn't do anything but now my head in embarrassment.

He turned away from me and looked at Ryan "I'm doing this, because it will make you happy, Even though it's breaking my heart. Ryan, If you dare hurt her! Ever! I will personally kill you!" Ryan walked over to him and shook his hand "Thank you man! I appreciate it!"



I thanked the crowd as I ran off the stage. The show tonight was amazing, better than the rest. The whole time though, I couldn't move my gaze away from Layla. She had been in the crowd tonight for her first times since we've been dating. From my spot on the stage, I could see all the guys begging for attention and shamelessly flirting with her. I tried my best to contain my anger and not call the guys out. I didn't want to start a scene and get more rumors spread about me. "You were amazing!" As soon as I was back stage, Layla jumped into my arms. I chuckled a bit and put her down. Once I took a look at her I noticed her new concert after look. Her hair was all in a mess, her make up was a bit smeared and she was all sweaty. I bit my lip as I started becoming aroused by just looking at her. "Ryan, what's wrong?" She looked up at me, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout and tilting her head to the side. She was teasing me, and that was all it really took. I didn't say anything as I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her into the nearest men restrooms. I locked the door as soon as we were inside. "What are yo-...?"
"Get on your knees. Now." She gave me a smirk and began sliding her body down mine. She got to my jeans and began unzipping them. I meant my head back against the wall, "Good girl." I whispered to her.

"You're mine. You don't belong to those guys who were flirting with you out there. You belong to me." I growled in her ear as my hands reached down to hold on to her hips. My fingers dug into her hip bones, leaving small bruises.
I threw her against the wall and ripped her underwear down, I ran my hand into the back of her hair and began thrusting into her. "Y-yes S-sir" she panted.
We both took a few seconds to catch our breaths as she rolled her dress back down. I pulled up my jeans and boxers, checking the hallways to make sure no one was there...I couldn't believe how amazing she was!

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