×Chapter 1×

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. And there is a picture.

Luna's pov:
I woke up stretched and yawned putting my cold pale hand over my lips. I slowly sat up my short hair cascading lightly down to my shoulders. Rubbing my eyes, I moved my soft thick purple blanket off of my pale legs. Then threw my legs over the bed making my feet land on the cold ground lightly.

I finally decided to get up and do my morning routine. I got dressed into an oversized fluffy grey sweater and some black skinny jeans, I tiredly packed my things into a large black suitcase.

Because of not knowing anything and the bad experiences I've had in my hometown. I really want to start fresh hopefully at a school called Cross Academy.

After I was finished I had called a cab then left. It was night time when I finally arrived at the huge Academic School. Sighing I walked forward into the black gates, continueing my walk until I saw a boy with the brightest of blue eyes. I smiled nervously. "Excuse me do you know where the office is?" I asked and he nodded.

"I shall take you there my name is Hanabusa, Aido." He said smiling and taking me to the office. "I'm Shazuki, Luna pleasure to meet you." I said quietly. "Here you are and just let me know if you want anything else." He said and I nodded. "Thank you." I said then gently knocked on the brown wooden door.

"Come in." Someone said calmly and a guy with a ponytail and green jacket  was sitting at a brown desk. While another guy was just standing there. He was very tall and mesmerizing and he had dark brown hair with reddish brown eyes. He looks like a heartbreaker. "Which one of you is the headmaster?" I asked calmly and quietly.

"I am may I help you?" The guy with the ponytail asked curiously and a bit serious. "I need to talk to you privately, I am Shazuki, Luna and I'm a transfer." I said putting my heavy bag down and he nodded now smiling cheerfully. "I am Kaien Cross and welcome to Cross Academy." He said and I sat in front of him in a uncomfortable squishy brown chair.

"I will be leaving now Kaien." The guy said and walked out shutting the door. "May I ask why you want to enroll here?" He asked looking serious and happy. "Please let me explain myself." I said as he just nodded for me to continue. "I am trying to find myself because, I know nothing of my past  and I've had some bad experiences in my hometown but I want to start a fresh start here." I said beginning to get very sad because of everything I had to go through being alone.

"Ok but we will need consent from your parents." He said smiling and I stared at him with tears in my eyes. He sighed and nodded understandingly.  "What is it Mrs. Shazuki?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"I can't tell you because I don't know what happened to my parents or where they went." I said with tears lightly rolling down my cheeks. I grabbed my suitcase and took out a small folder that I've kept from an orphanage for a few years now. "That's all I was left with was a folder and this." I said taking off my blue crystal necklace.

"Wow I am so sorry for what happened to you. From here on out I will adopt you  here's your uniform and I'll explain the rules." He said giving me my uniform and hugging me tightly. "Your ok now. Classes start in the morning and you need to go to the day dorms to rest." He said pushing me out the office.

I blushed out of embarrassment. "Don't worry Zero Kiryu will help you find  your dorm." He said shutting his door when Zero arrived. "Come on." He said looking at me angrily.  What did I do?

"Here's your dorm bye. Zero said then left

I smiled greatfully because I get to start over and it's peaceful. But the only problem was I didn't have a roommate.. I guess that's a good thing.


The next morning came around and my door was slammed open making me sit up and get in defense mode. "Luna my sweet daughterrrrr!" Headmaster Cross yelled with love and admiration with open arms out. I groaned pulling the covers over my head. "Get up sleepy head you have a long day ahead of you." He said smiling, pulling the comfortable blankets off of me I looked at the clock.

"It's 5 a.m. nooooo!" I yelled fighting with him over my covers. He threw them off of me and dragged me to his kitchen table for breakfast, Zero was there with a strange girl. I pouted as he set a plate in front of me with delicious looking food. Maybe... Just a little won't hurt.

I ended up eating all of it happily as the girl in front of me picked at some of it. "Are you going to eat that?" I asked politely, she smiled and shook her head. "I'm Yuki Cross nice to meet you uhm.." "Luna Shazuki" I said taking her food.

"Alright Yuki you and Zero get to class, Luna has to unpack today and I have to talk to her about  being a guardian like you guys for the  night class.

Hey so I know it probs wasn't that great but please keep reading :)

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