*Chapter 3*

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Hai hai I hope you like this chapter. Please enjoy. :) Also a pic of Kaname Kuran

Luna's pov:
The next morning it was class time. Yuki was fast asleep and then her, who I'm guessing is her best friend Yuri? Woke her. The teacher started to go over the things that I had already knew about so I doodled. "Luna!" The teacher yelled making me glare at him he gulped. "Cross wants you at his office, something about displinary committee duty." He said coughing a little tugging at his collar nervously, I had stopped glaring at him and got up leaving as everyone stared.

On my way to Headmasters office I started to get a headache a really bad one close to a migraine sighing I knocked on his door. "Come in" he said  I gently pushed the door open then closed it behind me as I stepped into his office. "Can you deliver these papers to Kaname and then go into town?" He asked me smiling politely I was confused he noticed my look of confusion. "To get groceries from town, deliver these oh and here" He said handing me a weapon. "But be careful it's two in one so when your ready or have no choice use them, train with them, get used to them. Thank you sweetie!" He said trying to hug me but I dodged and just nodded leaving his office quietly.

I quickly walked to the Moon dorm tiredly wanting to get things quickly done with and over with today because I'm beginning to get sick which sucks because I hate being sick I think I may have gotten it from headmaster cross. I swear it has to have something to do with this weather. I sighed knocking on the moon dormitory doors no one replied maybe because it's day time.. But then Aido answered yawning with bags under his beautiful blue eyes. Why do I feel like I have known him my whole life? When I'm just now meeting him?

Anyway.. "May I come in and give these to Kaname?" I asked politely he nodded shutting the door behind me as I walked in I went upstairs clueless. "Aido" I said looking over my shoulder but he was gone I sighed in frustration going to look for Kaname by myself. I looked around in awe with all the nice things they had here until I bumped into someone very tall and thin. I looked up seeing Kaname himself not to pleased to see me here I held out the paperwork bowing as my hands shook a little because he had frightened me, he took the paperwork holding my hands until they stopped shaking.

"Don't bow and don't be afraid I won't hurt you so please don't be scared of me." He said gently I looked up and smiled politely feeling anxious. "Thank you for delivering these to me" He said kindly. "Your welcome I have to go now" I said politely starting to walk away when he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I looked back at him confused, did I forget something? "Did I... Forget something?" I asked. "Uhm your grocery list" he said handing it to me gently.

"Thanks see you sometime again" I said leaving to get groceries. I started walking down the stairs quickly and out the doors heading into town feeling a bit dizzy. A hour later I had arrived at a grocery store and began shopping.


After I was done shopping I decided to go buy some ramen. Hopefully to eat and make me feel a little better. But as I was walking a little kid ran into me nearly knocking me off my feet, it looked like he had been crying. I frowned at him feeling bad I asked him what was wrong patting his hair down. "Can you help me find my mommy?" He asked and we heard a women's scream he ran in the direction it was coming in, so I followed him to make sure he didn't get hurt but I felt like someone was following me.

I stopped noticing I wasn't in a good part of town anymore. I saw the little boy trying to reach a balloon so I helped him but then he bit my hand really hard it was overbearing I screamed out in pain. He began to try and attack me but I moved my arm in front of my face and he bit me again not wanting to get attacked again I ran to the nearest place closest to me crying and dropping everything I had to get away as he giggled.

"Please help" I breathed out heavily after going upstairs. I sat down tiredly and the boy crawled through the window. "Please no more!" I screamed as he ran towards me but froze mid way and started to shake. I felt someone pick me up and held my head to their chest. "You poor creature. You have hurt someone dear to me now you must pay" a loud strong  wind came through then everything stopped. I looked up and it was Kaname.

I then fainted into a dark abyss as my body got to tired and couldn't handle much more blood leaving I fell asleep.

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