+Chapter 2 +

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Hello My awesome amazing readers. I hope that if your reading this book you will enjoy it :)

Luna's pov:
I started to unpack as everyone left my dorm room. I folded my clothes neatly putting them away and hung up the clothes that I would be wearing this whole week. I put my shoes near my door neatly, then hung my Jacket up on a hook by the door. I sighed as I continued getting my sheets and comforter out neatly making my bed knocking hopefully all the wrinkles out of it. Plus to make it feel a little more comfortable for me I put my bunny on my bed and my picture on my night stand.

I'm finally finished up with my room, it was nearly dark out by the time I had finished, sighing I took my slippers off and slid my shoes on opening my door I started to walk to Headmaster Crosses office. I knocked twice but no one answered I knocked again and the door cracked open making a loud creak  I cringed then slowly walked in.

He was asleep and this place was a mess. Man he sure does get busy doesn't he? I looked around the room and saw a blanket I quietly picked it up and gently threw it over his shoulders. I organized and stacked his papers that weren't already written on in front of him, I also organized the ones in front of him so he didn't drool all over them. I cleaned up the place then felt his head to see if he was running any fever he jumped up suddenly.

I was correct he did have a fever, he looked at me rubbing his eyes sleepily. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you knock what did you need?" He asked quietly then yawned. "A... Piano. I want to know where you guys have a piano." I said smiling a small smile he grinned back at me. "Here's your patch it's in the night classes dorm, I'm sure their all in class by now so I bet you can quickly go play one song but let me tell you all the rules first because it is very important for you to follow them and not break them understand?" He said as in more of a question I nodded understandingly.

30 minutes later he was finished and I signed an agreement, letting him know I fully understand all of the rules and consequences. I stand up and before I ran out his office, "Take care of yourself it's not good for you to be sick" I said. With that I ran off to find the piano. Running a few minutes later I finally found the night dorms and quietly opened the door, I looked around before smiling cheerfully seeing the piano I sat down then sat straight because it's known as graceful and good posture.

I closed my eyes lightly touching the piano keys beginning to play and move to the music. I felt some of my hair fall into my face but I didn't care I loved the piano it was my safe place from all my stress and everything else around me. I sighed as I finished my song, I should probably head back before I get.. I quickly look up as I heard clapping. Frightened I quickly stand dropping the chair embarrassed I pick it up pushing it back where it belonged. I gulped as I felt my heart race I bowed my head apologising.

"Hey don't apologise it's alright we don't get many people around here that play." A nice guy said but I was scared to even look up because I had social anxiety so I froze for a second. "Please look up, with such beautiful music we would like to see who had played that beautiful piece. Feeling like I should listen and obey this guy I looked up. "What's your name?" He asked politely getting a little closer. "Luna" I replied with a small smile he took my hand and kissed it I blushed yanking my hand away from his grip putting them behind my back.

He looked a little hurt but covered it with a polite smile. "I'm kaname Kuran" He said a quick picture came into my mind giving me a really fast headache making me dizzy. I held my head for a second then shook the thought away. "Nice meeting you but I must get back" I said running off before he could talk.

"What a strange girl" ichijo said honestly.

;P hope you enjoyed~

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