Chapter 23: Passion of an Angel and the Passing of a Demon

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Angelica POV

It has been already two days since we entered the Shadow Dungeon and we are now close on reaching the top.

Our team had no problems on reaching all the way up to the 90th floor as we worked as a team. There are times when we ended up telling stories to each other when we are resting. Moreover, it really served the purpose of getting us more stronger than who we are yesterday...

We noticed than on every floor, there are insignificant numbers of demons that we tried our luck to eliminate them by using teamwork. Since they are already full-pledged warriors, I didn't had a hard time leading them.

As for Tyron, he was always the one who was there to save a team member whenever we got into a pinch. Since I am only using my Flame Haze form, I can't go on a rampage with my thunders as we will be plunged by total darkness once I revert myself to normal, which the demons might take the opportunity to creep over our minds and kill us. Also, my flames aren't that powerful as my Mom and Grandma. I was only given a portion of Lord Alastor's flames, who were currently my Mom's contractor. I am not designed to fight as a Flame Haze, but somehow I manage..

So we are largely depending on each other now, especially on Tyron who had already saved me a lot of times when I am being attacked by demonic torments.

Right now we are all preparing for the boss, as we call every giant demon who guards each staircase that leads to upper floors. They are definitely more stronger than we had ever fought, but lately we had been able to fight bosses with ease as our teamwork and experience were getting better each day.

Right now, I am doing my best to surround us with protective flames as Eris were healing the rest of the team members, including Tyron who's completely drained right now.

One thing I had learned as we started fighting together..

I feel much, much stronger when Tyron is with me. I feel like I can do anything! There is this weird feeling that my powers are getting more stronger when he's with me.

"Healing complete.", said Eris and collapsed. All of us are VERY tired. I conjured a basket of elven bread and distributed it to the group. We are now sleeping for our third day, and we'll finish the training by tomorrow.

"Good job, everyone.", I said as I watched them eating vigorously. We had been fighting non-stop and we didn't bother to eat anything at all because we've been so focused on staying alive and getting out of this hellish dark place.

"Eris, thank you so much.", I said as I coated her with my flames that sent little warmth to her body. She's also been tormented a lot of times regarding her dark past. During our training, everyone had told each other their deepest fears and we sympathized each other. Right now we all feel the same thing..

Helping each other out to get out of this damned place.

After being done with the rest, I approached my sleeping boyfriend, Tyron. He didn't even ate his bread. He must be really tired after all.

"Fuzetsu!", I shouted and a second level of sealed zone were made. From katsuzu to fuzetsu, my powers as a Flame Haze had reached another level. Katsuzu was to seal the space of the human world, and Fuzetsu was to seal the place of any realm. In this case, no demon could move inside of it, exept those within the walls of my flame itself.

"Good night, everyone.", I said as we all started lying down with the sleeping bags that I conjured. I put the heavy body of Tyron inside one and I lied beside him on my own bag.

"Thank you for always risking your life for us, especially me.", I smiled while looking at his peaceful sleep. "Tomorrow it will be my turn to protect you. After all.."

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