Chapter 8

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A fortress of ice.

Three pillars leading to one centre.


I stood in awe. It was so tall.

"How we gonna get up there?" Rin asked.

"Well. Erm... Stairs?"

"Your kidding"

"Best get walking"

We began to head up the icy stairs, I sealed my Katanas as I felt my powers overwhelming me.

It was a while before we reached the summit, the temperature had plummeted. Surrounding us were pillars kind of like the ones in a Roman coliseum; the architecture was breath taking. Stood in front was a shining ice phoenix, graceful wings out stretched. Eyes on me.

"Welcome my King" bowing his head slightly.

"My King?"

"You are the descendent of Egyn, he was the King of Water and Ice" he explained.

"Oh yeah. So what are you doing here?" I asked drawing my swords.

"Well, I want you to prove yourself. Show me you can use my original master's Katanas"

"Happily, but we don't hurt anyone, just us"

"Fine. Have you ever noticed those blades were made of ice, unbreakable ice?" he began to explain.

I looked at the blades. I never noticed, until now I thought they were metal. My mind trailed off actually forgetting I was gonna fight him.

"They were forged from shards from my wings..." the phoenix out stretched his wings revealing broken shards one from each wing,"... the true name given to the Katanas is Hyornimaru. Hyornimaru is the name given to the spirit sealed in the sword; all Katanas that have a spirit sealed in them have two release forms, Shikai, and Bankai. But, obviously you didn't know that. To release your Katanas to Shikai you focus your power into your swords. In addition, every sword has a chant. In your case you chant this: 'Rain over the frosted Hyorinmaru!'"

I tested thus theory.

Within an instant ice began to form around me leaving me with ice plating on my body. Armour to protect me. My flames grew more intense surrounding me with indigo flames. Suddenly, the clouds turned grey and thunder came raining down on my swords. Out of the clouds appeared a long, slender ice dragon; it flew down standing over me, protecting me. I stood there in black and plates of ice protecting me, I pulled my scarf over my mouth. An Ice Ninja!

Rin stood in awe of this, jealous again.

"Is that it, a change of clothes" I taunted.

Suddenly Aisu flew at me, catching me off guard. I darted to the side - my speed had increased. A lot. I skidded along the icy floor, grinding to a halt.

Again, he flew at me. I switched the grip of my left katana; rotating it around so the blade faced the opposite way. My Katanas, his beak clashed repeatedly in quick succession. All I could do is defend.

I saw the chance. I swiped my Katanas across his beak, his wings outstretched, the force pushed us both back.

It was my turn.

I ran at him Katanas held firmly in hands, jumping slamming them down over him. He disappeared. Before I could put a scratch on him.

An icicle spear pierced my back and reappeared through my torso. I was caught off guard, again. I fell to the floor. A great pain ran through my body. Blood seeped down my back. I couldn't loose, not now.


Rin's POV:

I ran towards him, I couldn't watch. It was horrific. My best friend dying right before me.

"Get away"

I jumped back as a massive icy wave crashed into him. I knew I couldn't help this was his fight.


Jun's POV:

The pain was unbearable. Blood trickled down my face, dripping onto the floor. Within seconds I was practically swimming in a pool of blood.

I couldn't bare it, Rin and the others watching me die helplessly. I couldn't loose.

"I CAN'T LOOSE" I screamed as I forced myself to stand up. My flames flared again.

The smoke cleared.

Aisu at this point stopped and watched me struggle, "Is this all you've got?" he chuckled, now I was pissed. My demonic side began to take effect. Rage filled my mind. I swung one katana, following it the ice dragon.

It slammed into Aisu's left wing causing him to screech. I forcefully pulled out the spear from my back launching it at him. This time he dodged it, disappearing again.

I anticipated his moves. Spinning around I sliced both Katanas through his chest as his claws entered my stomach.

"Finally, it's getting interesting" again taunting me.

I chuckled coughing up blood. The bitter metallic taste stung my tongue. I guess I better get used to it.

I leapt back and charged again. My attacks were begging to get reckless.

My flames were growing weak, the excruciating pain. I couldn't take it much longer.

I held my swords out to my sides, focusing all my remaining energy into a final attack. The remaining flames formed a sphere around me. My scarf began to wave more vigorously as the force from the flames built up to its max.

Aisu also was preparing for a final attack. A blue mist began to emanate from him.

"You ready?" I asked blood dripping from my mouth.

"Let's finish this"

I pulled back my Katanas.

I flew towards him, releasing all the energy I had previously stored. We clashed, a mixture of indigo flames and ice erupted from my swords forcing Aisu to the ground. It left a magnificent sculpture where the ice exploded, as if the explosion had froze in time. My feet finally touched the ground.

I fell to the floor.

Indigo Exorcist: A New Dawn - Blue Exorcist/ Bleach Cross Over {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now