Yanae and Tim

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Yanae: So....You and Stephanie?

Tim: Yeah...It was um...after you had...yeah 

Yanae: Well...congratulations I'm really happy for you.

Tim: Are you?

Yanae: Honestly I am Tim

Tim": What happened to Timmy?

Yanae: That's when we were together...you have a girlfriend now

Tim" Yeah but....it wasn't real...you were only dating me to get your job did...even though you've changed...I think

Yanae: Wow...you still think that?

Tim" You admitted it so yeah...

Yanae: At first maybe....

Yanae: But ever thought I gained feelings?

Yanae: That when I came back I was hoping to prove that to you?

Yanae: But if it was the old me who was a complete bitch...nobody would have liked my reaction to what I found out today

Yanae: But I've changed...

Yanae: I really did 

Yanae: And if you think I'm still the Yanae Lynn that can't be trusted...

Yanae: Then stay out my life and my way 

Yanae: Because I really am happy that you found yourself a new girlfriend, so don't think otherwise

Yanae: I know Jason told you something about me...but I really don't care...

Yanae: He can go fuck himself for all I care tbh 

Tim: I never said you didn't change 

Tim: Just after everything...I don't know Yannie.

Yanae: Don't 'Yannie' me please...don't.

Tim: ....sorry 

Tim: Can we at least be friends

Tim: I'm sorry if you think I don't trust you.

Tim: I don't know about the rest but I trust you I really do

Yanae: I have to go...

Yanae: I gotta get up in the morning, I found a job and they're really strict so if I don't go to sleep I'll never be able to get up early in the morning.

Yanae: Bye

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