Dick and Bruce

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Dick: Bruce, what are we gonna do about Selina?

Bruce:I already said this, I'll figure it out

Dick:Maybe we could have someone to undercover, you know pretend to date, and get information on her.

Bruce:No, your dating Barbara, it'll be like cheating on her with Selina, and I sure am not doing it.

Dick:I was talking about the tire stealer

Bruce:Jason? He's too young

Dick:For Selina yes, but I heard she has a niece that goes to Gotham Academy.

Bruce:What are you saying?

Dick:Have Jason get close to the girl, and find information on Selina.

Bruce:Okay...we need to discuss this in the batcave, I'll text Tim and Jason.

So...I'm thinking a mini series???
Should I continue? <btw in this Jason and Tim both go to Gotham Academy <Dick is in his 3rd year of college.

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