Life now

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Hi everyone! I wanted to say Thankyou to everyone who has supported me writing this. Also Thankyou to 2 of my best friends... I also want to thank Iminlovewithkpop because they came up with the idea of my last chapter and basically helped me! I am VERY thankful.. I hope whoever reads this is enjoying this book! Sorry if you find it boring or whatever! no hates please! Thankyou


Angel's POV --

It was about half 5 when I woke to the sound of the baby and Luhan getting out to feed him. I stretch and smile. Luhan tapped my leg "Wake up babe.. Its your turn" He says. As he finished his sentence my smile dropped. I roll off the bed and walked into the kitchen at got the milk and bottle ready. I made the bottle and took it back to our room. I walk in to see Luhan on the bed and the baby in his arms. He kisses the baby's forehead and I smile "Where is mine?" I ask. He giggles "You didn't ask for a kiss" he grins while grinning.

I walk over and pluck my lips and close my eyes. I felt wet lips on mine. I open them to see baby in my face. "Awww baby boy!" I smile and Luhan moves the baby. Then kisses me himself. I smile as our lips touched. "You look dead babe.. maybe you should go back to bed.. I will feed Carter" Luhan smiles and kisses my forehead. I hand over the bottle and got back into bed.. I watched Luhan feed the baby and the baby fell asleep not long after his feeding time. Luhan placed him in his cot and got back into the bed. Luhan wrapped his arm round my front and snuggled himself into my neck and kissed the back on my neck. I smile and my heart raced.

Luhan starts to hum MID (Miracles In December) and he stroked my hair. I close my eyes and Luhan changed the song. It was a really good song... well the hum was really good. I roll over so I was face to face with him. and I cuddled into his chest.

Rose POV --

I was out with the pram. I was meeting Tao in the park so we could stroll back together. It was a nice day. I attach an umbrella to the baby pram. It was one of those old fashion prams where the baby was facing me. I didn't like not seeing the baby.. so Tao brought this one for us to use. It was easy.

I stroll down in a summers dress and Tao was waiting for us on the bench. I wave to him and Tao smiles and walks to us. "Hey beautiful"  Tao says kisses my lips and hugging me. I smile and Tao turns to Faline. "Hello princess" He says leaning down to her and kissing her hand. I rub his back as he does so. He stands straight again and smiles. "Shall we?" he asks. I nod. He takes the pram and starts to push Faline. Me and Tao link arms and take a slow walk. We talked and before long we where at the end of the park. "Baby.. Can we go shopping" I say pulling my bottom lip out and trying to do a puppy dog eyes.

He rolls his eyes. "if we must" He smiles and we walk across the zebra crossing. We get to a baby store and we go in. It smelt of baby powder and milk. I walk around the shop and saw loads of baby clothes. I give Mina a text saying I found some things for the three babies and she texted back asking if I could buy them and she would pay us when we got in.

I brought them because I knew Mina hasn't had the time lately as Sehun and she doesn't want to leave him because last time she did. She came home to a worried Lola..

I looked around and brought more baby stuff. I brought something for every baby in the house! I loved shopping even if it wasn't for me!

We go for a few food bits in the house and brought more cleaning items to clean the house. We all planned to do the house up. We planned to let the kids have their own rooms up stairs and there was 12 upstairs and 12 down stairs. There was 7 babies going to be in the house and a few rooms left which either would be used a guest rooms and game rooms for adults and children.

We where already planning the colour because in a few months the babies would be crawling and playing.. Then later in life they will be naughty and be teenagers. I wanted Faline not to grow she was too sweet the way she was. We grabbed some paint and went home.

Tao took the bags while I pushed the pram. We got home and everyone was watching TV besides Sehun and Mina. Mina was probably trying to look after Sehun because of everything. Lay had fixed him and made him not have a short time memory loss but Sehun was ill still and Mina was taking care of him.

We place everything into a spare room and carried Faline to bed. It was her feeding time and I feed her because Tao fell straight asleep when he fell onto the bed. I had to laugh at Tao sometimes! my husband was a sleep lover! I was a sleep lover till I had Faline and I couldn't sleep loads as she would wake and I didn't like it when she woke Tao up because Tao would look really tired and ill.

Lola's POV --

I sit with Mina and we play a few card games while my twins where sleeping. Xiumin wanted to spend some time with Sehun so Mina left and joined me. I saw her smile and laugh for the first time properly in ages. We messed around. "what baby names do you have?" I asked Mina while playing with my hair and then putting a card down. We where playing go fish! "Well I have talked to Sehun and we both agreed on Taemin and Lady but he wanted to call a boy Mark-Bam.. I picked Taemin and he picked Mark-Bam.. we both liked Lady for the girl." She smiles and puts a card down. "They are cute names!" I giggle.

"Go fish" I smile.

  We played go fish till Xiumin came out and Sehun was clinging onto him for help walking. Mina quickly gets up to help. "He needs fresh air.. He is so hot!" Xiumin says. Sehun looked dead. "He will be fine! he just needs fresh air Mina" Xiumin smiles and Luhan comes down with Carter and Angel.

We all go outside. Sehun sat on the green grass and smelt the fresh air. Sehun grabbed the fresh air and clutched it in his hand. He brought his hand near his mouth and blew into his hand. When he opened his hand out. The wind in his hand turned into a tornado a tiny winy tornado! Mina tried to sit down on the grass but she couldn't because she was having trouble lately. She said her side and legs hurt badly..

We stood watching Xiumin , Kris , Lay and Tao messing with Sehun. Sehun was bringing life back into himself. The guys made him happy and his face was no loner pale.. He still was sweaty but life was in him. All our hearts raced and Mina and I did a picnic and sat out side and watched the sun burn away and go down. The babies where laying on blankets and pillows watching or sleeping.

Our family was nearly complete.

We all lay on each other but keeping the babies in the middle of us all so they didn't fall. Xiumin was playing with Dean and made a few snow flakes fall from his hand and Dean would smile and pull his tiny tongue out at the flakes. Xiumin laughed. Sammy was laying with Sehun because Sehun wanted to help out he said he felt useless and wanted to know how it felt to be a parent. I said no at first because Sehun wasn't fit to take care of the baby as he was ill but Sehun pleaded and said he was fine then I agreed  and Sehun was playing with Sammy.

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