What are we now?

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Mina's POV --

I wake up to the sound of Sehun heavily breathing into my ear. I open my eyes to see the sun light coming in through the window. I turn my body to look at Sehun.. was this a dream where I thought everything was real? I couldn't tell. I pinch myself to make sure.

I cover get a sheet and wrap it round me and get up. I cover Sehun before walking out his room really quietly. I open then close the door and walk to my room grabbing 2 towels , shaver , tooth brush , hair brush , make up and normal leggings and tank top. I walk into the bathroom and see Suho , Kris , Tao and Rose all in a line. In the baths. " Oh hey guys?" I say while trying to hurry to the shower. "Join us!" Suho shouts.  I turn on my heels and grin "Sure.. why not" I grin.

I run the bath next to Rose who was half asleep with a tower over the bath so no one could see her. I get undressed with a towel over me because it felt strange stripping in front of people like these guys. I put loads of bubble bath into the water and make loads of bubbles. I get in and start to brush my hair while it was dry then grab the cup next to Rose and someone snatches the cup off me. I turn while moving my hair to the side and saw Sehun will a massive grin on his face. "Morning sunshine" Tao smiles. "Good to see you guys have sorted things out.." Suho shouts across to us. I look at Sehun and he looks at me. He helps brush my hair and washes it and walks out his face looked sad. What was wrong???

I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth while bathing. "Psss!!! You and Sehun a thing? thought he was with Sunny??" Rose asks. " I don't know?? my feelings are everywhere.." I admit. Chen comes and stands by the door looking upset and sad too... "Chen whats up? turn that frown up side down" I say while grinning like a gimp. " Remember last night when Sunny went home early.. its because.. well Sehun broke it off with her.. because he can only love one.... and its you Mina and I feel so bad because I said it would help him get over you but she didn't tell me she was a vampire.." Chen looks down as he talks. "Chen don't look upset.. mistakes always happen nothing to worry about." I say. After I said my last word Chen was gone.

I soon get out the bath and found Lola passed out on the sofa with Xiumin laying next to her and Sehun was sat in the corner with a pillow. I sit next to Xiumin and start to talk. I look towards Sehun but he didn't look at me.. I turn back and I started talking about how the baby was so big already and Xiumin told me its because he had alpha blood in him and now that he is beta he grows much faster then human children would..


I was cooking some noodles and beef because everyone loved this kind of food. When Sehun kissed my cheek and I smiled. "So.. its smells gorgeous, just like you" He smirks. I spin the noodles with chop sticks and slam them against the working surface and turned to Sehun. I gave him a angry look. "Sehun answer me this what are we? are we some just fuck buddies or what because this is now what I feel like? Your with Sunny but Chen said you guys are not? so what's going on??" I ask my temper becoming less patient. He jumps of the surface and turns me fully so I was looking right into his eyes and kisses me, I push him off "Sehun I am asking you something and kisses me doesn't make me forget." I say.

"Mina I have said before your my Luna.." Sehun says coming in for another kiss. "No Sehun.. I mean it now?" I add. "OK! I don't want to be fuck buddies or friends with benefits I want you! I want you to be my girlfriend!!" he yells. I look at him in shock. He leans down again and put his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. " I want you to be my girlfriend then I want to die with you by my side and I want you to only love me and I want every problem that comes with you. I want to be the one to make you happy , I want to be the one to see you cry and help you. I just want you nothing more." he expresses in a sad but happy kind of tone. I look up and his eyes where now open and I look into them. "I mean everything I say.." He adds and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tight.

Lola's POV --

Everyone said I was going to have the baby in the next few months but I am already as big a whale and still growing. I felt like I was a time bomb ready to explode. But I still had a few months to go.

I take everyone's advise and stay off my feet as much as I could. Everyone sat round the living room eating noodles that Sehun and Mina cooked for us all as we where watching a TV program called FAMILY HOME.

When Tao and Rose both stood up. The switched the TV off and held each others hands... "Well guys as you know me and Tao date.. and well... Tao why don't you say the first part and I will do the BIG surprise.." Rose says. Me and Mina smile at each other. She was in between Sehun while I took up half of the other sofa with the bump.  Xiumin stretched over and was rubbing our baby.

"Well guys I think you may have guessed what was coming because I kept going on about it for quite a while." Tao says in his manly voice. Then Tao stops.. "COME ON SPILL THE BEANS!!" Kai and Kris both say.

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