That thing

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Mina's POV --

We all sat waiting for Rose or Tao to tell us what was happening. "guys we are getting married!! and here is the best news I am pregnant and I have another little surprise the wedding is in 2months time!" Rose screams at us. I jump up and give her a hug. "Oh babe! Im so proud" I whisper while hugging her.

I let go of Rose so Lola and Angel could hug her. I look towards Tao and smile "Great job!" I smile. He smiles back. I walk towards him and lightly hug him. Kris and Sehun join in the hug and then everyone started hugging Tao I grab Rose's arm and pull her next to me. I had Rose on my right and Tao on my right. We all where squeezed. "Ok guy" Rose pats everyone's backs. "Your killing me here" Everyone lets go and we all sit down. "I wanted you guys to me my maid of honours and I would like you three to be the aunties to my little pebble." Rose says. "I also would like Sehun and the rest of the 10guys to me my best men. I wouldn't be able to choose my best man, so you all will be. I would like you all to be uncles to my baby" Tao smiles while stroking Rose's back. Cheers filled the room and everyone agreed to do whatever. "Hey mina???" Rose calls over everyone. "I need a favour?" She smiles. Everyone goes quiet "I want you to design my dress and make it, I want Angel to make my cake and I want Lola to help Mina with everything she will need help with? I am only asking it is more then fine to say no" Rose grins. I had a massive grin across my face "Of course I will.. I must get started only a few months away..." I stand back up and kiss Sehun on his head "Laters" I wink and walk towards the stairs "LOLA I NEED YOU!!" I yell back without turning to see them. I run towards my room and grab my sketch pad , pencils , pens , rubbers , sharpeners , colours , paint , wax , a model design doll , fabric and everything I needed!

I rush with Lola towards Sehun's room as no one comes in here that often. I place everything onto his bed and get to work. I start with a light sketch of the dress.

" I am going to need her dress size and everything. Can you go to my collage and grab me a big manikin... maybe 5 get some lads to help they are quite heavy" I wave Lola away. She nods with a note pad clutched to her arms and walks out and calls for Suho , Kris , Lay and Chen.

I start with doing Rose's height because she wouldn't grow anytime in the next few months. "Hey do you think you and Sehun will have children. We are all pregnant besides you?" She asks as I write her height down. " Me personally wouldn't mind having a baby but Sehunnie would want them" I say. She smiles with sitting down on Sehun's bed. "You okay??" I ask in a worry tone. "Ye im fine just a bit dizzy" She says while waving me away. " Hey ladies can I offer you a drink of some sort?" Baekhyun's head popped round the door. I shake my head "Oh yes please, water will do" She smiles. Baekhyun's taps the frame of the door and is gone "Thank you" she shouts after him.

" I have collage in a few hours I can start working on things then.. Do you want anything else?" I ask getting my note pad ready. " The is one more thing can you make the theme colour yellow please" She flutters her eyelashes. "Your wish is what your getting!" I giggle. "Lola and the guys will be back later with the manikins but I heading out that way myself im just too lazy to bring them back.. AHA" I laugh and help Rose to the living room. There sat Tao and Sehun both watching basketball match. " Right I will leave you here with these" I say sitting Rose down on the sofa and I place my phone into my bag. "Where you going in a hurry??" Tao asks. "Well I have a lot of work to catch up on a wedding to plan, dresses to fit , helping with other collage students with dancing and music, Busy busy but I am sure I will have time for Sehunnie later" I say winking in his direction. He giggles and gets up "I can take you, Im heading towards my mothers so I can drop you off". I look at him " Oh its okay hunnii I can get the bus or walk it is not far" I smile. "No I mean it! get your ass in my car. I will drive you" He smiles. I roll my eyes and walk towards his car. He open the car . I reach for the door when he rushes past me and opens the car door for me. "Oh what a gentleman." I flirt and laugh. I step in and wait for him to hop into the drivers seat. Soon we where off down the street. We pass a few shops that looked nice to eat at. The sun was shinning into the car making it really hot.

We get to collage just in time for me to work harder. I kiss Sehun's cheek. He blushes and bites his lower lip. "Bye" I smile and get out , I was about to the slam the door when "DONT.. slam my door please" Sehun says I roll my eyes at him and close the door shut. I go into the tech room and start on Rose's upper body which meant she was going to have a white corset top and it would attach to her lower skirt making it a dress. I start to make the out line as a knock came to my door. "You forgot these" I hear a voice. I turn and squint my eyes "Ooh Sehun.. Err thanks" I blush and he walks towards me. "You are working on her dress???" He laughs. "Yes I only have 2 months I need everything to be PERFECT!" I answer putting my glasses on. "She is having a corset top that I need to do" I add. Sehun looks over my shoulder as I make the corset. "You know it would be easy to just by a dress" Sehun smiles into my hair and kisses my ear. "I want to do this. Why don't you think I have what it takes?" I ask with a cocky tone at the end of my sentence. "Oh I know you have what it takes but I want you all to myself. I want you all alone" He whispers into my ear. I giggle and him trying to do his best at winning my over. Don't get me wrong it was working but I had loads to do and not enough time to do it in. "Sehunnie stop it sugar. I am working on this maybe later if your a good little boy and help me and get me some work done" I wink.

Sehun and I get to work with my music and dance. He helps me by singing 'Jar Of Hearts' I danced to that with his help. I got some high heels from the dance department and tried to dance with them on but I kept falling. Later Sehun helped me with the dress. He was my test dummy. I slipped the corset top over his chest and stuffed it with fluff to make it seem like he had boobs. "You are such a handsome model" I laugh. "Oh aint I just a fitty" He answer. He takes a pose " It's a bit tight" He says trying to get out of the dress top. "Well Mr it isn't fit for a boy. It is made for a small girl" I smile. He tuts and starts to dance. "I don't have time Sehun" I laugh while twiddling my pencil around and write a few numbers down. "Mina, You are my yin right?" Sehun asks as he stands in the dark area of the room. I turn round with my eyes closed thinking. "Sehun what kind of question is that?" I laugh. "This isn't a lesson on Yin and Yang" I add rubbing my temple of my head. I had a massive headache. I felt like I was over thinking everything. "Just answer my question please" He says in a deep voice. "I guess so" I say. I hear snarls coming from where Sehun was stood and I open my eyes to see a wolf looking right at me. I just stare "Sehun not here" I whisper at him "What is someone see's you and freaks or even worse faints." I add still whispering. I shut every door and lock them. I close every blind and window. Sehun's wolf walks over to me and licks my hand. Then it jumps up and licks my face "Sehun please..." I smile while wiping the wetness away.

I turn back to work when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. "Ouch!!" I yelp and turn round to see Sehun's big wolf eyes looking at me. "Sehun??" I add while feeling my back. I touch the spot where it hurt and felt blood drip down my fingers. I bring my land round so I could see what it was. It was red.. It was blood. " Sehun you bit me?" I ask. He lowers his head. "Sehun I know why you bit me but you could of done it while you where human and not full wolf" I smile. I take my time walking towards him and hugged his soft wolf hair. I loved it the hair was so soft and fluffy. "I will always be your Yin" I whisper into his fur. Hhe must of heard me because I felt his body tense. ' I will always be your Yang and your love' I heard a voice but Sehun wasn't speaking because he would be speaking dog I thought to myself. ' I can hear what your saying. Its a mind link.. I can hear what your thinking and you can hear what I'm thinking' He says while giving a small laugh at the end.

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