One Step At A Time

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Hi everyone... Hope you have liked my book as the chapters and story has gone very fast. I would like to take this time to say I am so thankful for the support I get for writing this book and the great feed back I get from everyone that has enjoyed my book. But sadly this is probably the last page/s I will be writing for this book...                So thankyou and enjoy:)

Mina's POV --

It has been 6 years since I had my three bundles of joy. Sehun still runs the pack everyone is still healthy. Sehun is training our children when they feel like they want to but Lady is the only one that likes to train. She is more of a fighter then a lover I think. She is beginning her training years with Kris. She has been learning the ways of the wolf just like her brothers.

I am sat on the porch with Taemin sat by my feet with Lola. Angel and Rose where getting the house clean for when the boys get home. They had taken Carter , Faline , Mark-Bam , Sammy and Dean out for the day. While Taemin stayed with me and Kris. Kris was home because of Lady. He was teaching her a few things to 'impress' her dad before he got home.

They where sat under the old oak tree (the tree of life). They where reading. I pick Taemin up and we go inside. "Mama... I am going to get storm from the hut" Taemin says and heads for the front door. Taemin was the one for animals. He loved them a long side with Faline. They where a close pair and they liked to rescues animals from the streets and look after them for a while. Storm was the oddest animal we had. Taemin found her when she was tied to a fence. Taemin was three and took a VERY big liking to her so we took her home. We washed her , fed her , watered her and gave her a bed to sleep in. She was only meant to stay the night before we took her to the dog shelter out side town but Taemin cried when she left so we brought her back and ever since they have been close buddies.

"Where is Lady?" Rose asks. "Still playing with Kris" I smile. "Would you mind taking some snacks to them?" Angel smiles. I nod and grab the plate and glasses out her hands "Could someone find the sun cream. Lady wouldn't put it on for me. Maybe Kris could get her to" I ask. Angel nods "Thankyou Angel" I say and push the porch door open with my butt. I walk out in bare feet. The grass tickling my feet. I get close and they slam the book shut "MUM! Go away.. this is meant to be a surprise.. for you and everyone else before Pa gets home." Lady moans and Kris laughs. I pull a face "Well sorry.. I have been asked to bring snacks out for you guys... but if you would like me to take them away I will" I joke. "No No No.. Its fine ma.. what you brought us?" Lady says standing up and tied her long brown hair up. "Oh Lady. Your new clothes. After you are done here. Straight to the bath. It will be waiting for you" I say placing the food down and heading back to the hosue when Taemin came running in with  Storm "Don't let the dog into the house just yet... I have food to clean up off the floor because of Pepper and Cakes. You know the two baby pigs you like to bring in everyday" I say opening the door. Taemin throw the ball and Storm barks and runs for the ball.

'We will be home soon' I hear Baekhyun use his link with the pack so we would all hear him. I smile knowing they all would be home sooner. I clean the living room it takes a good half an hour. Lola comes in from outside and helps me. "Could you call lady in for her bath please Lola.  I am just going to run her bath" I ask "Sure.. Isn't it a good feeling that they are coming back. Our babies" She says breathing in "It feels like I have not seen them for ages but it has been a day" I laugh and so does Lola. I walk upstairs and turn the taps on. Lady doesn't take long before she comes into the bathroom. "Oh Lady. You are do dirty. Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping and get some new things for you" I say as I put bubbles into the bath. Soon the bath was ready as Lady gets in. I help wash her with a jug. "Mummy?" Lady says. I made a 'YES' sound as I grabbed her bathroom robe. "When is Nana and gramps coming for me?" She asks, what does she mean by that? "Nana and gramps wont be coming back for a while. They came last summer for tea with your pa but that was on business terms baby. They saw you for about an hour. " I say stroking her wet hair. I help her out. "Nana says I'm different from Mark-Bam and Taemin. Her and gramps say I am a time bomb ready to explode.. What do they mean by that mummy.... I... I don't want to hurt anyone" She stutters.

I wonder how long it would take before someone said something to her. I knew she was different from the others but I didn't want her to know that she was. "Its just an old folk law baby Nana and Gramps are just getting a bit too old that's all.. Don't listen to them. You are different but not in the way you think you are. You are still the same as the others. I promise you that baby girl" I try to comfit her.

She gets changed into her other new dress and I brush her hair and dry it. Lady soon goes back to play with Kris. Kris had a soft spot for Lady. She was like a younger sister or even a daughter to Kris. He was that close to her. Me nor Sehun couldn't get things out of her but Kris could. "Kris make sure she does NOT get dirty AGAIN. Her dad will be back any minute. Maybe you guys should come and watch some TV" I suggest to them. They soon race in and start watching TV. "Taemin hunnii don't use Storm as a horse. She is too old for that now. " I say as I shout out to him because he was in the garden and I was looking out the kitchen window. 

I go to my room and get changed into a summer dress and tie my hair in clips. I walk down stairs to see everyone already home. I see Sehun. I stood at the bottom step and she budges past everyone and he opens his arms for a hug and he picks me up swinging me around the room. "I missed you" I say and we kiss. We hear the kids all go 'eww' so we stopped and he put me down and we hugged. I see Mark-Bam and hug him tight "How was everything? Did you have a good time?" I question. He smiles and nods.

We get everyone sat down for a mean we had prepared before. I had washed the dishes and cleaned up before they sat down. We started off with a classic roast dinner. Something that would fill everyone up till we had chocolate cake. Everyone starts to pile their plates up after they where done. Ready for everyone to take and wash them but I stopped everyone "Stop! Don't touch anything. I am cleaning up so sit and relax" I say grabbing the plates and glasses. I soon clear away and everyone sat down in the living room by the fire. Everyone was watching Lady's surprise she had made with Kris.

Lady was stood in the middle of the room. Everyone's eyes where on her. She closes her eyes and puts both of her arms out and looks up to the ceiling keeping her eyes tight and she says something and a few snow flakes fell and landed on her. Xiumin's face dropped "How... Its not possible" Suho says shocked. She opened her eyes and they where bright blue. Then she clicked her finger and fire was pumping threw her body like electric  waves. We where all shocked by her talent. The old legend was so that when a SHE WOLF was born she would have every power of her pack. She would be the Alpha of the pack one day. She was the first born and she would become the most strongest of them all. She shows us every power she had and she was learning more. She was nearly 7 and knew already so much about what she wanted and what she was going to become when she was older.

We soon all part from each other and Sehun heads for the shower while I tucked the kids into bed. I went into Lady's room and she was laying reading a book about a mermaid who died saving someone she loved. I sit at the side of her waiting for her to finish her book "Lady.. Its time for bed. You have been up to quite a bit today. Get some rest tomorrow is another big day" I say kissing her head and taking the book out of her hand. "Mama... I love you" She says holding my hand. "And I love you too sweetie.. now sleep" I say tucking her in better and switching her lamp off and heading for the door. I gently close the door and go back to my room.

I lay on the bed in a night dress because it was summer and I didn't want to wear long pants to bed. I lay looking up to the ceiling and I left the bed go in a little. I lift my head to see Sehun crawling onto of me with a massive smile on his face. He un does my dress buttons and kisses my stomach and does a trail up to my neck and onto my lips "I love you so much " I hear Sehun say between kisses. I giggles "I love you more" I smile.

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