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No One POV
10 Years Ago. . .

"Papa please!" WHAM! Secret fell to the floor clutching her cheek. Abused, starved and half dressed. The little girl curled up on the floor, barley moving.

"I told you, I wanted my dinner ready by 7 p.m. little girl. You know what happens when you disobey me, don't you?" She heard her mother laugh. Secret couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her bruised face. Her father kicked her causing her body to fly to the wall.

"Look at her!" Her mother laughed. "Teach her a lesson." She heard her say. She knew what that meant. "No. . . No! No! Please! Papa!" She tried crawling away but her father had grabbed her and dragged her by her arms downstairs into the basement.

Her mother followed behind, never taking the smile off her face. "Grab the rope dear." Her mother fetched the rope and handed it to her father. "This is what happens when you disobey me." Her father grabbed her cheeks and squeezed them, digging his nails into her skin, causing her to cry out in pain.

Her mother tied her up, hands above her head and looked at her. "We should have never adopted you, you worthless piece of shit." She spit on her. Secret cried. "Gag her. I don't want to hear her voice." Her father said. "Yes dear." Her mother put a sock in her mouth. "You'll be here for a week, hopefully next time you won't fall asleep when I ask you to do something so simple." Her father snarled and spit on her.

They were about to leave. "Oh wait dear!" Her mother smiled evilly and grabbed a pair of scissors off the shelf. She walked over to Secret. "Your hair. . . It's very untamed. I could never do it, so you don't deserve it." Secret looked up in horror as her mother started cutting her hair.

She moved violently and her screams were sustained. Her hair was all she had. All she could hold on too. She could only watch as it fell to the floor. More tears streamed out of her eyes.

"Much better." Her mom muttered with glee. "Don't you agree my dear husband?" She patted Secret's bald spots. "I do, now come. I don't want her to see any more light." "Yes dear." She looked at Secret one more time and smiled, leaving the basement door locked as they both walked out.


Darkness was all Secret saw for a week. The only time she saw even a pinch of light was when her mother came and poured cold water on her to clean herself.

"You peed on yourself. Digesting pig." Her mother left the basement. Hunger was something she was used to. After all she was skin and bones. She sat there with her hands above her head.

Naked. Not moving. Barley breathing.

She heard the door creak open. Her father appeared. He smiled. "My poor child. Are you ready to be a good girl?" She used all her strength to nod her head. He clapped his hands.

He walked over to her and untied her. Her arms flew down. She could no longer feel them. Her body broke down. She couldn't feel anything. "Your mother made you even uglier." He mumbled.

He dressed in her a long white t shirt. "Come." He grabbed her arm and basically dragged her out. Her mother sat in the living room watching tv. He sat her down in a chair at the kitchen table. Her father threw her a apple and she dug in.

Using only her mouth to bit it. Her arms were still no use. Her mother came in the kitchen and laughed. "Look at her! Poor child." She shook her head and continued laughing while smoking a cigarette. She ignored her but couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheek.

Once she was done with the apple her father walked over to her and gripped her by the little hair she did still have. "We are going out tonight. By the time we come back, I want this place spotless and dinner on the table. Do you understand?" She nodded her head.

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