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Just kidding.


Sarah King was trying to think of somewhere suitably quirky to go for her work experience. It was to be 2 weeks away from school and the idea is to get a feel for working somewhere you may decide to begin a career in after education. This meant most of the students picked music venues, fashionable shops or one of the parks around town. Nearly everyone who goes for one of these "fun" positions will be turned down as they can only take on 1 student at most. So the key to the decision is coming up with somewhere that will be interesting enough to spend 2 weeks at, without it being well known enough for there to be any competition. Sarah racked her brains thinking of places she'd visited over the years that were within travelling distance, which is at most a few miles. Pretty much everything that stood out in her mind was nowhere near unique enough for her to be the only applicant. Then as she was staring blankly at the wall it hit her, a ship! The shelf at which she was absent mindedly staring at had a ship in a bottle on it, it looked very old and clearly hadn't been dusted for a while, only adding to the sense of mystery.

I need to find a ship like that. She thought.

The town, Ballorton, was over ten miles from the coast and even further from any port. Finding a work experience placement on a ship was going to be a logistical nightmare. But once Sarah had an idea so perfect in her mind she’d not easily be swayed from it.

After several minutes research on her phone under the table (phones were supposed to be off and in bags during classes, not that the teacher was anywhere to be seen right now) Sarah came across a ship which looked very old and mysterious which would be coming fairly close for a special exhibition at roughly the same time as her work experience, unfortunately not exactly the same time, there would be a few days either side of it’s 10 day stay in which she’d be expected to be on her placement.

Minor issues.

She found a contact email address on the bizarre website that was the only source on the web she could find for this special exhibition aboard the travelling H.M.S. Resolute Victory and saved it into her contacts. Sarah would have to wait till she was home so she could properly draft an email asking for a placement.

Later that night she did just that. The afternoon at school dragged, but no more than it usually does on a Thursday. Faking a sprained ankle to get out of PE (phsyical education) was standard procedure, but it sure does make for a boring hour.

After attaching the PDF her school had given her which was all the information employers needed to know she send the email to a.bradd@resvictory.ts

Two seconds later the mailer daemon announced it’s vile presence with the usual ping.

The message claimed “550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND 550” and the rest of the strange undecipherable garbage the daemon usually spewed out.


The article on which she read about the special exhibition and the H.M.S. Resolute Victory was nowhere to be found.

I wish this phone had a browsing history.

Sarah was at a bit of a loss.

.ts is a strange ending for an email address, maybe it was a typo.

Sarah spent 15 minutes searching for all manner of domain names from resvictory.com to .gov.uk to .tk, nothing anywhere.

Searching for “H.M.S. Resolute Victory” in Google and even, in desperation, Bing was just as unfruitful.


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