Chapter Seven

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Thunder-Imagine Dragons

This chapter is dedicated to @JakeDubber for answering the question first CORRECTLY

Hope you all love (or like this chapter)!


"NO! You cannot just murder a demigod in cold blood! I declare a LIFE-BATTLE*!" Everyone in the room gasped when Athena announced that. It even shocked me! Even though I have no idea what that is.

"Perseus and I against the two of you. Tonight. You have exactly four hours till the battle begins." She then got off her throne, shrunk down, grabbed me by the arm, and flashed us out.

~Present Time~

~Athena's POV~

I flashed us to my palace and put it on lockdown. Now no one could go in or come out. I looked towards Percy. He looked confused and deep in thought. I read his mind. He was thinking about what a Life-Battle was. I saw that he was thinking of something else, but I was not able to see what. It was like a shield was blocking what he was thinking. I would have to talk the Hecate about this. Mind Magic was her speciality.

"Percy, do you have any questions?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Um... What is a Life-Battle?"
"A Life-Battle is only for demigods/goddesses and immortals and they fight to the death. Way more gruesome than a normal To-The-Death fight." I replied.

"Okay then. Why did you save me back there?"

"Because-" Because I love you and didn't want to see my father and your father kill you. "Because I know for a fact that you do not deserve to die. You have saved us from Kronus and from Gaea. You have gone through Tartarus and stayed sane." I saw his shiver when I said the name of that accursed place in the Underworld.

"Okay. Last Question. Do you have any books, and if you do, can I read some?" He asked.

I was shocked. Annabeth never said that he liked to read. "First off, that was two questions. Second off, yes I do. And third off, follow me and I'll show you."


The Library

When we walked in, Percy looked around in awe. It was silent for a moment before he was about to walk forward. I stopped him.

"Perseus, first I must give you my blessing on battle strategy, wisdom, etc. Plus it gives you a photographic memory, so you could remember the books you read. He nods his head, steps forward, and I give him my blessing.

"Now you may go and read to your heart's content. Just make sure to put the books back correctly."

"Yes, Lady Athena" he replies and walks off into the never-ending shelves of books.

I already had a battle plan for the Life-Battle so I put it into Percy's head. When I looked inside once more, I saw him already creating one. (A/N: Mentally) He now was taking parts of my battle plan and adding it to his own.

Time to worry. And think of more than one reason for why I called for a Life-Battle.

~Percy's POV~

After Athena flashed us from the Throne Room, we ended up in her palace. It was spacious, grey and bronze, light grey walls, dark wood flooring, and soft looking light brown couches.


After Athena explained what a Life-Battle was, and we had gotten to the library, I had gone looking for books on battle strategy. While I was looking around, I was figuring out a plan for the battle and all of a sudden, a different plan and a presence in my head. I figured it was Athena because she is the only one who would show me a battle plan mentally. I added some of her plans into mine to perfect it.

After finally finding the section I was looking for, I found a table nearby with some paper and pencils on it. I grabbed some books and walked over to the table. I flipped through some books and drew out my battle plan on paper to show Athena later.


After about twenty minutes, I was done. I returned the books back to the shelves and walked back to the entrance where I saw Athena sitting, deep in thought.



"Lady Athena?"

"Yes, Perseus?"

"I have finished using your library and have created a battle plan for later."

"May I see this battle plan?"

"Here you go Lady Athena." I handed the sheet of paper to her.

She took it from my hand and looked it over. I couldn't tell what she was thinking as she had a straight face. After a short while, she grabbed a pen and started making little marks in very few places. I guess she was correcting different parts of the plan I made. I guess I did a pretty good job making this plan. Annabitch never really agreed with my plans. Whatever.

"Yes, I am correcting your plans. Yes, you did do a good job planning our strategy. And good job not letting memories of my daughter get to you."

"Thank you, Lady Athena."

"Come. Follow me to my arena. We need to train you harder than you have ever trained before. You are fighting against two of the Big Three. Your life depends on this. And so does mine."

I followed her to the arena where we would train. I was nervous that I would fail and that we would both lose our lives.

"Now I have talked to Hermes as he will be the announcer, he said that we are both going against our fathers. Or in your case, ex-father." She told me once we got to our destination.

"Please don't remind me."

I haven't yet come to terms with me getting disowned. Or being betrayed by my friends. Family. Now I have to fight against them till either one of us dies. I don't think I could do it. Sure I don't like Zeus, and he doesn't like me back. But we are family. This kind of thing shouldn't even exist!

I was so deep in my thoughts, that I didn't realise that Athena had been trying to get my attention for the past five-ten minutes.

"Sorry Lady Athena"

"It is alright Perseus. By, the way, stop calling me 'Lady Athena'. It would take way too long to get to the important part if you continued to say that."

"Yes Athena"

"Time to start. I assume that Poseidon has taken Anaklusmos from you?"


"Let us see if we can find a sword that you can use."

Thanks SOOO much for being supportive. Schools starting up again and I wanted to get this chappy out before it started. Might even post another one soon!

I'll post the next chappy up soon. I'm staying up to finish these.

QOTC: In HoO, who did The Seven have to save and where? (Hint: A god)

First to answer this question gets a dedication in the next chappy!

Have a happy morning/noon/evening/night!!!


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