Chapter 1

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Meredith's POV

     I walked down the lonely hospital halls waiting for something to happen. I knew Bailey would be on my case if I didn't finish the charts, but right now it felt like it was just me. Just me in the entire hospital. I knew that to not be true as I could hear the nurses running around and patients demanding urgent care. Yet, the only thing that I could focus on right now was that I hadn't seen her all day.


     The woman who stole my Mclife.

     It almost seems foolish to say that now. Seeing as how the woman is no longer Mrs.McDreamy and is now just bearing the name Montgomery. However, I just can't seem to think of her any other way.

     I shook off the thought, and continued to make my way down the halls. I got to Mrs. Jameson's room, who was a patient that I was monitoring for contractions. She was only 28 weeks along but was showing signs of preterm labor. I reassured her that we were going to do the best we could to keep that baby inside of her, and help her have a healthy, successful birth.

     I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard "Dr.Grey" being said by the red head herself.  Addison was standing across the room at the other side of Mrs.Jameson's bed.

     "Dr.Grey. Are you listening to me?" She shot me a glare. "I asked you if you had given Mrs.Jameson the medication that I prescribed and checked her vitals every hour to make sure that it was not causing the baby any disress." Addison took a few steps until she was an inch close to my face. "Are you trying to kill her baby? Because by not listening to me, you are doing just that. We save lives Dr.Grey. We don't take them. Stop daydreaming and do your job."

     "Addison. You know you don't have to talk to me like that. I checked her vitals, I did everything that I was supposed to do. Everything that I was asked to do. I was here all night monitoring that baby and her mother. So, you don't have to get mad at me, because I am doing my job. I can't help it that your husband stayed with you out of obligation. I can't help it that you can't seem to close your legs in front of Mark Sloan. And I especially can't help it if you can't seem to get the fuck over it." I matched her glare that she was giving me, and turned to walk away. I was vividly aware that we were talking not so quietly right in front of the patients and the rest of the gossiping nurses. However, it seemed that Addison lacked the knowledge of them all watching or she just didn't care right now, because as soon as I turned to walk away, I felt a hand on my arm spin me back around and the other hand collide with my cheek. Before I knew it, I had Addison pinned against the wall and her fingers were fighting me off, trying to pull my hair out as I reciprocated her actions right back.

Addison's POV

     "In my hospital? Have you two lost your damn minds?" I slowly slumped farther into my seat as Richard continued to yell at us. "You both are like daughter's to me. So I'm not about to take sides. I had patients complaining about you. I had fellow doctors complaining about you. How could you two be so unprofessional?" Richard questioned.

     I was asking myself that very same question. I was Addison Forbes Montgomery. I'm a classy, sophisticated, well known, board certified surgeon. How could I be so unprofessional? Especially with the 12 year old. I don't hate her. It's true. Except, she makes me not classy. I feel incompetent around her. It sounds crazy, but she stole my husband for Christ sake. Well, she really didnt steal him. I sighed. I don't know why I'm defending her.

     I glance over at her and she seems to be lost in thought too. Both of us, not listening to a word that comes out of Richard's mouth. I smirk. Maybe she's not so bad.

     "Ladies."  I hear Richard call out. "I've come up with a solution that I know neither of you will enjoy. You both have let your personal life affect your professional life one too many times, and there had been obvious backlash because of it. Because I love you both very much, and I think of you both as the daughter's I never had. I am going to give you one more chance before I fire you."

     I got up to hug him, but Meredith beat me to it. "Thank you Webber. I'm sorry about everything, it won't happen again." She reassured him.

     "You're right. It won't. Addison, you will be moving out of the hotel, and in with Meredith until I have reason to believe that you can be civil. Her house is big enough for other interns, so it's big enough for you."

     "Wait. Webber, with all due respect to you and her. I don't need her to live with me. We can be civil." Meredith said.

     "For once Richard, I agree with Meredith. It would just be best for us to keep our distance."

     "No. I have made up my mind. You cannot keep your distance in the hospital, you would run into each other eventually. With that being said, I can't risk having patients complain about you two again. I'm sorry girls, but this is not a suggestion, it's an order." Richard gave us a pointed look and turned to sit down at his desk.

     "And if we choose not to live together?" Meredith questioned.

     "I'll have no choice but to fire you both. I'm not playing around this time girls." Richard said. I looked over at Meredith, and she looked livid. I couldn't blame her though. Moving in with the ex-wife is not something that a lot of people would take on with a happy attitude.

     I looked at Richard who was glancing back and forth between Meredith and I. I looked once more at Meredith before nodding.

     "I accept. I will move in with Meredith first thing tomorrow morning." Before giving Richard time to answer, I walked out of his office, dragging Meredith along with me.


Meredith's POV

     I couldn't believe this. How am I supposed to survive with her in my house? How would this work? Would we share a room? How would I continue to see Derek? What will my friend's say when I tell them that Addison is going to move in?

     I am not going to lie. There is a part of me that doesn't really mind if she's there. It's like, even though we fight, and she makes me feel crazy. I don't exactly mind it, because at least I'm feeling something. It may not be a happy feeling, but at least it's something.

     "So, how is this going to work Grey?" Addison asked.

     "Honestly, I'm not sure. I guess I'll tell my friends. And you can check out at the hotel. And...we'll see from there I guess." I told her, suddenly nervous under her gaze.

     She smirked, almost as if she knew that I was getting nervous.

      "Okay. Sounds good to me." She said.

     "You know that you moving in with me is going to be a rollercoaster don't you?" I asked her, attempting a small smile.

     For the first time ever, she seemed to shoot me a genuine smile.

     "I'm ready for the ride Grey."

Okay guys...that's it for the first chapter. I hope you liked it. I never really write stories, so if it is bad...I'm sorry because its my first one. Also I know the characters are OOC. It's just how it's going to be because this is very AUish.

Let me know if you like it so I can know to continue or not. I love this ship so much so hopefully this will turn out well :)

That's all for now I think.  Bye xx

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