Chapter 2

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Meredith's POV

     I sat anxiously on my living room couch waiting for Addison to show up. I had told Cristina, Alex, George, and Izzie about Webber's outrageous demand and now I am just waiting for the fun to start. Izzie, nor George really minded if Addison was living with us which was good. However, I had yet to tell Derek about our little situation because I fear how he will react. Will he be mad at me for fighting his ex-wife? Will he be mad at his ex-wife for fighting his mistress? The last thing I want is for Derek to be mad. I just started to feel normal around him again, and I'm scared that Addison will mess that up. I don't want to be alone. I can't be alone.

     I heard a knock on the door and I got up, only to see the red head on the other side.

     "Hey Meredith. Sorry if I'm late. The people at the hotel could barely believe that I was finally checking out."

     "Oh." I said awkwardly. "Okay."

     I don't know why I'm feeling so weird around her. I mean it's obvious that some part of me would feel odd seeing as how I slept with her husband. Except, It's a different kind of weird. Almost like I could throw up by just looking at her.

     I realized how long I had been thinking when she began to shift on her feet. I almost faced palmed and finally spoke again.

     "Uh, sorry. Come in." I moved out of the way so that she could step through the doorway.

     "I don't really have any of my things with me. I'm just having them delivered here tomorrow. I hope you don't mind if I borrow something to wear for bed?" Addison asked.

     "No, not at all. Since I have roommates already living here, I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me until we can get things situated around here." I said, giving her a small smile.

     She smiled again, another genuine smile. That is the second one this week.

     "How about I show you around?" I asked her.

     She nodded and followed me around the house.


     After giving Addison the tour, I took her up to my room to show her where we would be sleeping.

     "You can take the bed if you want. I have a pull out couch, or a blow up bed somewhere around here." I explained.

     "Don't be silly Meredith. It's your house. Plus, I think I'm going to be here awhile." Addison said.

     "Oh is that right? Am I really that hard to get along with?" I laughed.

     She raised her eyebrows as if to say 'do you really want me to answer that?'

     "Touche." I said.

     I sat down on the bed and patted the spot right next to me. Addison took a few steps and sat down beside me.

     "So, Grey. Tell me something." Addison said.

     "What do you want to know?" I asked.

     "Anything. Tell me about your childhood."

     I gave her a look that hopefully said 'another time.' I think she got the idea because she changed topics quickly.

     "Tell me your biggest fears, or what you dream to do someday. Tell me anything Meredith. Anything that will help me understand you, because right're one big question mark. "

     "My biggest biggest fear is that I'll end up like my mother. Which sounds absurd, I know. She was a phenomenal surgeon. Everyone knew her. Except, she lost the love of her life. She waited and she still was alone. She had love in the OR, love in the hospital, and yet...when she came home. You know what she had? Nothing. She was alone, and I'm petrified of coming home to nothing." I said. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes, but I was determined not to cry in front of Derek's ex-wife.

     "She didnt come home to nothing. She had you Meredith." Addison spoke softly.

     "No." I whispered as a tear dripped down my cheek. "I was never really there to her. I was just wasted space. Something that lived in her home, but not in her heart."

     I felt Addison's thumb come up and wipe the stray tears that had fallen down my cheeks. She etched closer until shoulder was pressed up against mine and then placed her arm around me.

     It was awkard for a few minutes because neither of us could believe we were in this situation. However, after awhile it became less awkward and more enjoyable. I don't know if it's just the emotional talk or what, but right now I am sort of happy to have Addison beside me.


Addison's POV

     It wasn't long after our talk that I heard light snores coming from Meredith. I layed her down on the bed and went to go find some pajamas. Shortly after rummaging through her closet, I found an old Dartmouth shirt and a pair of black sweats. I quickly changed into them and crawled back into bed beside Meredith.

     "Goodnight Meredith. I'm glad you shared all of that with me. Sometime I'll do the same with you. I promise you are not wasted space though. We may not be the best of friends, and we will definetly have many more fights to work through. But I have high hopes that we'll make it through." I told her. I knew she couldn't hear me because she was asleep, but I felt the need to say it anyways. I turned around, facing the opposite way as Meredith and closed my eyes.

     It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and it also didn't take long for morning to come again.

     Meredith and I got up and made our way downstairs to eat before we had to get ready to unload my things. Richard gave us the day off today so that I could officially move in to Meredith's house.

     We each made a bowl of cereal and sat at the kitchen counter in silence. Neither of us knowing what to say, or how to act around each other. I was about to bring up our conversation from last night, when Izzie came running into the kitchen.

     "Hey Mer. Hi Dr.Montgomery." Izzie said as she raced around the kitchen.

     "You can call me Addison outside of work Izzie. I mean, we are living together." I told her.

     "Right...okay. Well, I'm running late for rounds. I'll catch you two later. Bye Mer, Bye Addison."

     We waved goodbye and continued to eat our breakfast. I felt the air in the room start to become tense again. I wasn't sure if it was the talk last night making it awkward, or the silence now.

     Either way, I decided to get up and start moving my things inside from the moving truck that was dropped off this morning. After a few minutes, Meredith joined me in moving my things.

     With her help, we were able to get all of my boxes inside her house and spread throughout her room. I was hoping since we were basically done moving me in, if we could talk some more. I had so many questions about Derek that I wasn't sure I wanted the answer to, but they just kept racking my brain.

     I tried to talk to her again, but she pretty much blew me off. I guessed that she didn't feel like talking about Derek, so I just started asking her about work. When she didn't answer me again, I knew she was just ignoring me.

     "You know, I said it last night but I don't understand you Grey. We have a good talk, you help me move today, and yet now you are giving me the cold shoulder." I told her, trying to get an explanation.

     "That's just how I am. I don't want to talk to you okay? I was just emotional last night." She said.

     "Why are you acting like this?" I questioned her.

     "I don't want you to think we're friends when we're not. You just live here, that's it."

     "You know what Meredith? Forget what I said last night. You're mother spent so much time at the hospital because she didn't want to be around you. And quite frankly, I don't blame her." I exclaimed as I turned to walk up the stairs and into Meredith's room. I slowly started to hear faint sobs coming from downstairs and I didn't know whether to feel bad for the girl, or just close my eyes and ignore her too.

Okay. Hope you liked this. :) Leave me feedback. I appreciate them all.

Bye xx -DreamByTheDay

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