Chapter 5

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Addison's POV

I pushed open the lounge door and slumped onto the chair that was in front of me. It had been a long day so far, and I was just ready to head home. I took off my shoes and brought my right leg to rest onto the other. I grabbed my foot in my hands and slowly started massaging the sore sections. I have had hundreds of surgeries, thousands of deaths, and millions of patients. At least it felt as if I did.

After massaging both feet, I reluctantly slid my shoes back on and walked to the small locker where I kept some of my belongings. I was opening the locker door to grab my purse and sunglasses, when an orange tint caught my eye. I pushed my things over to the side and grabbed what looked to be a flower. As I pulled it out to insepct it, my suspicions were confirmed. It was in fact an orange rose.

I uptaped a piece of paper that was attatched to the flower, and held it up so that I could read it.

Dear Addison,

The first time I had the pleasure of seeing you, I was lost. Although it was an unlikely and undesirable experience, you showed me my first glimpse of what it feels like to be extraordinary. You didn't know my life, and I didn't know yours. Yet, you dug your way into my subconscious and now all I think about is being apart of that unknown life.
When I layed my eyes upon you, you looked unbothered. The continuous noise of the hopsital failed to stop for your silent expressions that spoke all your hidden thoughts.
As our gazes stayed on each other, it's almost  as if you were trying to understand me too. I then wondered how other people perceived you. Tall, leggy, and beautiful, with red hair and a white coat. I couldn't help but wonder how anyone could put you into a generic box, as if you were simply apart of everyday life. How could anyone not see the light freckles on your neck? Or the occasional sadness to your smile?
I finally had to snap back into the reality of my life that day, but ever since then I have noticed more and more details about you. We didn't get along, and sometimes we still don't...but thats okay because every moment with you will forever be etched into my mind. You still don't know me. And I still don't know you. But I want, no I need, to get to know you.
And maybe that's enough to remember that you are not always put into a generic box of everyday life, occasionally, there is someone who really sees you.
And I desire to see you.
The orange rose stands for desire.

I scanned my eyes over the front side, before turning it to the back to look for a name. I can already take a pretty educated guess that is was Meredith who wrote it. It would, however, be nice to know for sure.

As I re-read the words that were written neatly on the paper, I felt a sensation in the back of my eyes as if I might cry. Honestly, the note and flower was extremely sweet, and something that nobody has done for me before. I picked up the rose and note, along with my purse and headed out.

When I reached Meredith's front door, which was now mine I guess. I used the key she gave me to let myself in, and walked to the kitchen to put the rose in a vase. I took the vase upstairs, where I sat it on the nightstand next to my side of the bed. I grabbed the remote to the TV, and sat down to flip through the channels.
Meredith's POV

I left Izzie, Cristina, Alex, and George at Joe's and headed to my house. I only had one drink, so I knew that I was okay to drive. Today, I just wanted to get home as soon as possible so that I could see Addison. She is always good company, plus I have been craving her lips all afternoon.

I glanced down at my phone as it started to ring. Derek's name was displayed across the screen and I debated if I should answer it. I didn't want him to feel ignored, but lately I haven't had any motivation to talk to him. He seemed to be angry at Addison because he found out that Mark was not a one night stand, and that just made me not want to talk to him. I mean, Addison is my friend. If he's mad at her, then I'm mad at him. Right?
I clicked decline on the screen, and sent Derek to voicemail.

I continued my drive home, and shortly after, I was pulling into my driveway. I grabbed the bag and made my way into the house. I heard the TV playing from upstairs, so I sat down my bag and headed that way.

"Hey Addie." I smiled.

"Hi Meredith." She mirrored my smile and patted the seat beside her. I went over and sat right beside her, only leaving about an inch between us. I turned to look at her and leaned in until my lips were covering hers. After a few seconds, she pulled away and sat back, eyes glued to the TV. I thought it was a little odd, but ignored it nonetheless. I glanced over at the flower sitting on the nightstand.

"Hey, you got my flower. I was worried that I didn't put it in the right locker. That would have been awkward." Addison looked over at me before nodding slightly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah Mer. It was very sweet, thank you." She learned in and I closed my eyes in anticipation. Her kisses always seem to make me weak in the knees...and other places as well. However, I was left feeling not as satisfied when her lips lightly pecked my cheek and she leaned back to continue watching TV. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, a little nervous what the answer would be.

"No, it's just been a long day."

"Are you sure? You can tell me." I reassured her.

"You're not my girlfriend." She blurted out. Her eyes glanced around the room, almost timidly before landing upon mine again.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're not my girlfriend." She repeated with a bit more confidence. "I appreciate the rose, and I appreciate the kisses. It's all very sweet Meredith.'re not my girlfriend."

" keep saying that like I am too stupid to understand you. Addison, I know that I'm not your girlfriend. I wasn't trying to act like I was your girlfriend. I just...I like you. As a friend, as more. I you."

"And that's awesome. But kisses and notes taped to flowers are what girlfriends do. Not  friends. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. Like I said, It's all sweet but you're..."

"Not your girlfriend." I cut her off. "Yeah, completely understood." I got up and walked over to the bedside table and yanked the flower out of the vase. "I'll just toss this out for you since it bothers you that much. Or is it just me that bothers you?

"Meredith, you know damn well that I didn't mean it like that at all." Addison said.

"I was just doing something nice because I care about you." I spoke softly, looking at the rose that layed limp in my hands.

"I know." Addison lowered her voice. "But for God's sake, it was like you were trying to express your undying love for me."

"So what if I was?"

"I would tell you that your crazy. I'm Derek's ex-wife. You're currently Derek's fascination. We are supposed to be enemies. Friends, I can tolerate. But being in love? That's just...sick." Addison's face momentarily wrinkled up, as if confused with her own words. I walked to the closet and grabbed a blanket that layed snugly on the top shelf. I walked out of the room and downstairs to the couch, still holding the bright orange rose firmly in my hand.

Sorry that it's been a minute since I posted. School has been so busy! However, I'm back now. Hope you like this update! Comment please♡

Until next time. Bye xx- DreamByTheDay

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