Jealousy (Part 1)

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sorry guys! it's short. I didn't have a lot of time :( anyways, i hope u enjoy!


Wanna come over 'round 8 to watch some movies? Everyone else is going and there's gonna be food! :D

Niall texted me that. Oh, great. Everyone. Zayn and Niall will probably be non-stop flirting and then I will be with Harry or something like that. If I say no, it'll be obvious I am scared. I texted back:

Sounds brilliant. Can't wait!


A few minutes later he replied.

Yay! Seeya there, mate! :)

Mate. He called me mate. It used to be babe, or Li, or honey or something. Mates is all we'll ever be now.


I pulled into Nialls driveway at 7:59. Right on time. I got out of my car and walked to the black door on the front of his flat. I had knocked on this door so many times, almost everyday. Now, I doubt I would knock on it even once a month. What Niall and I were becoming was definetely not satisfying me.

I finally gathered the courage to knock on it. I looked at it as a symbol of giving in. Giving in to Niall and Zayn dating. Niall and I being no more. Accepting that Harry was madly in love with me. And, that I may be starting to fall for him too. What am I saying?

The door opened. "Hey, Lili!" It was Harry. Of course he would call me that.

"Hey, Haz!" I replied excitedly. When I said that my breath hitched, then it was pretty obvious my heart literally just skipped a beat.

He chuckled and blushed while leaning his hand up against the door post. He knew he made me nervous. I walked in and hugged him.

Everyone looked at me. "Hey, Liam!"

"Hey, guys! What are we watching?"

Niall immediately replied. "We're going to watch a bunch of romantic movies!" He chuckled in excitement.

"They're The Notebook, Love Actually, The Proposal and Titanic."

Niall squealed in excitment. I chuckled in response.

Louis popped in the first movie, The Notebook. I really do enjoy this movie, but I'll have to watch Zayn and Niall be all lovey dovey. Zayn sat down on a recliner and Niall sat in his lap. Louis sat in a one person chair alone and across from them. Harry and I sat on the couch right in front of the TV. The movie started...

Throughout the whole movie, Niall and Zayn were playfully kissing, giggling and touching eachother and playing with eachothers hair. Suddenly the rainy scene in the movie came on. The couple sees eachother and they run towards eachother. Zayn looks Niall straight in the eyes and they stare lovingly at eachother for a moment. Then they kiss, and suddenly a pang of jealousy hits me. It's right in the pit of my stomach and my forehead is getting hot. The movie finally ends a few minutes later.

Louis puts in Love Actually and sits back down. About half way through the movie Niall and Zayn start doing it again. Flirting and basically having dry sex. I want Niall so bad. Why can't he want me?

All of a sudden, I feel a warm hand filling mine and holding it. I look up. It's Harry. He probably saw me staring at Zayn and Niall and felt bad for me. I smile at him and he returns one.

Another half hour passes and Harry keeps scootching closer to me. We are still holding hands and it is really comforting. I see Niall wrap his arms around Zayn and kiss his lips. I can't watch. I know I have to do something. I let go of Harrys hand for a second and he look s at me in confusion.

I fix myself on the couch so that I am now completely facing towards him. Mean while, he is staring at me with a blank expression. I wrap one leg over his legs and around his hips. The other one is bent my his side and I wrap both of my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder.

He looks down at me and smiles, then kisses my forehead. I giggle. I see Niall turn around from the corner of my eye and I can feel his eyes, burning into me. Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer.

Eventually we start watching the third movie, The Proposal. Louis made three bowls of popcorn before. One for Niall and Zayn. One for me and Harry. And one for him.

Harry and I aren't really watching the movie at this point and we are just flirting. I took some popcorn and threw it at his mouth. He caught it between his lips and leaned in towards mine. I took the popcorn from his mouth anf giggled. After I chewed it he did the same thing to me. We kept playing with popcorn and laughing. Just having a good time.

I could feel Niall constantly looking over at us but I didn't care. It was my turn to make him jealous.

I sat up over Harry so that my knees were bent right at both of his hips. I was sitting on his lap, facing him with my hands around his shoulders. His hands were around my waist.

I wiped hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead. I fed him popcorn too. Everytime I fed him a piece of popcorn, I would kiss him lower. I went from his forehead down near his mouth. I fed him one more piece of popcorn then hovered my lips over his. We stayed like that for a moment and he couldn't wait any longer. He leaned up and kissed me softly. I kissed back. It felt warm and gentle, so sweet.

I tried feeding him more popcorn but it fell on his crotch. He look down at it then back up at me. "You're turn to get it." I smiled and leaned down to his crotch. On my way, I rubbed his chest and lower torso. I picked the popcorn up, off of his lap. I laughed, yet again, on my way back up.

"WHOAH!" Louis yelled. "Get a room, guys! Seriously. I'm trying to watch a movie here!"

Harry and I both laughed and blushed while smiling at eachother.

"Well, it looks like were out of popcorn!" I exclaimed, picking up the bowl. "I'm gonna go make some more."

Niall stood up almost furiously. "I'll help."

Why would he want to help?

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