The United Confederate States of America

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It was raining.

American, Russian, and Prussian Union soldiers, Russia, Prussia, and the Union states, cities, and territories all stood on one side.


British and American Confederate soldiers stood on the other side.


Canada and England were on the same side, but both looked scared. Even the Confederate states and cities looked scared.

In between the two sides were two young men. One had his gun pointed at the other's, who was on his knees, head. He gun was three feet away from him.

"Well well Al," Confedrancy said smugly, "Quite the turn of events now, huh?" He started to laugh a little, "You know, for a second there I thought you were gonna win. Now all I have to do is pull this little trigger and then I'll win." He smirked and shook his head a bit, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, and you fought so hard," He pretended to be sad and looked down before quickly looking back up with a smile on his face, "Oh well!!" He put his finger on the trigger, getting ready to pull.

America kicked John in the legs causing him to fall back. He grabbed his gun and pointed it John who looked scared. He pulled the trigger.

No bullets shot out

Oh no.

It was jammed.

No, no, no, no, not now.

America looked really scared now.

Confedrancy smirked and stood up, "Nice try," he pointed his gun at America again.

Alfred looked at his twin who looked extremely scared.

Canada aimed his gun at John's head, he put his finger on the trigger and was about to pull it until a nearby Confederate soldier knocked it out his hands, he looked at the gun before looking at his brother who was giving him a sad 'You tried' look, "No!!!" He cried out.

A gunshot was heard.


America's body hit the ground.

"NO!!!!" A few Confederate soldiers were holding Canada back from running to his brother but he kneed them in the balls and ran over to America.

Prussia, Russia, and the Union states, cities, and territories ran over too.

Canada took his brother into his arms, "Al, Al, come on. Stay with me," He couldn't control the tears.

Prussia kneeled down, "Don't you die on me kid, you've come too far."

"Da America, just stay with us." Russia said sadly.

America tiredly opened his eyes and looked straight up at Canada, he slightly smiled, "I love you Mattie, tell Ma-"

"Don't talk like that!!" New York cried.

"I'm not gonna make it Yorkie," he said softly before looking at Canada again, "Tell Maria and Diego I love them too." He looked at Prussia and Russia, "Thank you guys so much for being my allies when I thought nobody would help out." He looked at the Union states, cities, and territories, "I love you all too. Tell your brothers and sisters even the Confederate ones that I love them too."

"Alfred!!" England was running over in tears.

He softly smiled at his father, "Hey Iggy, I know that after the Revolutionary, our relationship strained and you told me that I wasn't your son-"

"You are my son," England cried, kneeling down by him,"You always were and always will be."

Why did he help the Confedrancy?

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