A new beginning

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Its been a while now since kaizo arrived at Pulao Rintis once again. I'm so happy that he could be here with me again and living at the same house as me again. I wasn't really paying attention to any of my surroundings so Kaizo started staring at me and then out of a sudden jump on top of me and cuddled me to the ground.

Of course Kaizo is a big man and his really heavy but I missed this side of him. I want him to just touch me and embrace me everyday without no stopping. I want him just him. I looked up to his eyes and he smiled. Oh dear God his smile is all I ever lived for.

A few minutes later I started cooking at the kitchen. I wanted to cook a spaghetti for today's dinner just so you know eat different food everyday right.

Kaizo as always stares at me every time I'm trying to do something. Him staring at me is like him Thinking of naughty things that he wanna do with me. Just thinking about of what I just said made me blush deep red as a tomato so Kaizo smirked at me and came towards me and hugged me from behind as always to surprise me but this time I didnt get surprised because he was hugging me gently.

"What is my future wife thinking about huh while cooking dinner?" he said in my ears with his husky sexy tone voice. It made me shiver because damn that was hot.

I looked away pouting and as always his beautiful smile showed up. He kissed my cheek and went sitting down in the sofa.

Bob came barking around him, sniffing and then licking him like he is the father. I laughed a little and continued cooking spaghetti.

As soon as I finished cooking the spaghetti, I put it in the dish and started calling out Kaizo's name.
As of course I couldn't forget about Bob. He needs to be feed too, not only just the both of us. Kaizo stood up and started walking towards the kitchen where he sat down in the dining table and ate the spaghetti that I have for him.

It feels like we're a newlyweds. But we're not yet married. So we're still considered as couples for now. But I was thinking what if we actually got married...I'll be Happy like crazy. I didnt know that my face was making this weird drooling face which made Kaizo shocked but laughing at the same time. I blinked twice before realizing I was thinking of something else.

When Kaizo finished eating his breakfast he stood up and started watching TV again with Bob sleeping on his lap while His patting on him and touching him softly. It really is nice being together again. Ashley. I hope your Happy with me living together with Kaizo and Bob. I'm sorry I couldn't treat your blindness earlier. I guess I really am the worst owner ever.

Looking down on the floor with sad face I walked up to the bedroom and started changing my clothes to a formal clothes. Since I'm gonna have to go to work soon.

I heard the bedroom door creaked open, I look towards the door and saw Kaizo coming in. He noticed that I was naked. But like I'm wearing a bra alright. He smirked and came near me. I'm not gonna let him touch me for awhile or else I won't be able to work and get money. I pushed him backwards and started putting my clothes. Kaizo just sat on the corner of the bed staring at me and then doing something that I do not know.

Once I finished wearing my formal dress I started doing my makeup just to make sure I look good. Kaizo took my hand and kissed my right ring Finger and kissed my cheeks.

"Good luck at work babe" he said while pinching my chubby cheeks as always. I nodded at him and smiled softly.

"I'll go now Kaizo. Take care of Bob for me okay? Oh and take Care of yourself too" I said as I was about to go out of my front door Kaizo started saying

"I love you my wife"
"I love you too my husband" I giggled and closed the door.

As I was walking I saw all my friends waiting for me to walk together to our working company.

I looked up at the sky with my right ring finger in the air.
"When will you marry me Kaizo?"

A/N; I KNOW IM SORRY T_T I havent updated for so long Like SERiously long time. I got tests and bunch of homeworks to do y'all I need HelpP.

Enjoy this chapter~ and as always dont forget to comment and favorite it'll help me a lot in the stories. Since I don't hve anymore BraiNs to work now. I love you all and I'll see you later! ~


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