Its time

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a/n before I uh continue the story. I'm really sorry for the long discontinued. I just really am depressed af. And if you didn't know im having a Major depression. So ive been getting some low and bad mood and unable to do anything fun. So I'm gonna update this now since idk what else to do other than feel sad every single time. So here we go the big update you've all been waiting for, Enjoy~ ^^

Its already almost morning. Me and Bob are unable to walk anymore longer, the both of us are really tired and needed sleep. So we looked for a nearby hotel to sleep in and thankfully there was one hotel that was still open. Me and Bob went inside and went to the register table.

After doing all those registering, I went to the room and started taking a bath to freshen myself up. Bob who is apparently really tired after all those walking and sniffing suddenly went into the couch and fell asleep straight away. The bathroom was really beautifully decorated, even though the hotel didn't cost that much it looks so luxurious. I am still thinking about (Y/N) who is apparently been kidnapped by some a**hole. I sigh and looked at the ceiling, I closed my eyes and I didn't even realize I fell asleep in the bathtub.

*chirp* *chirp*
I yawn, woke up and saw that it was morning already. I stood and started changing my clothes since I slept at the bathtub but good thing the water is still warm. Bob who has already woken up started barking for food. I called for the room service and they told me that they'll get me and Bob's food ready. Waiting for the food to arrive I started taking Bob for bath. Bob barked happily and started going to the bathtub jumping and wagging his tail. I laugh and started patting his head since dogs are really adorable and fluffy.

After washing Bob we heard the door knock, Bob jumped and started barking on the door saying "its the food guy! Food guy!" I opened the door and the maids gave us our foods. Closing the door, I put Bob's food down and Bob started eating it really fast. I sat down in the couch and ate my food. After all those were done we started going to the registry table and thanked them. We continued to search for (Y/N).

After another long hour of walking, I suddenly heard my phone ringing I picked it up and it said '(Y/N) is calling you" I was shocked and surprised so I answered it quickly and I heard her voice "Hey Kaizo? Where are you right now love?" I stood quite and then a few seconds later I answered "Where are you?! I've been trying to search for you since yesterday! (Y/N) please tell me your okay? Please tell me your home right now.." I said sadly, she chuckled and said "I'm actually at home right now love, I'm sorry to make you worried I forgot to tell you that my friend in school picked me up to have a sleep over in her house" I sigh and asked her another last question "So..who was that guy in a black suit?" She stood there silent until a few seconds later she replied saying "Guy in a black suit? Love there was no guy in a black...OH! That guy is my friends manager love, he came to ask me if he knows where she was and I told him I didn't know" "but you were so happy when talking with him, I thought you never loved me anymore (Y/N) I was so scared I thought I'll lose you." She laughed, her voice and her laugh is so melody "Kaizo, there is nobody in this world that I would love other than you. You know I never looked at any other guys. So don't be worried okay love?" I smiled "Of course my dear, I won't be worried anymore." "Now come back home will you? I miss you and Bob already. I want to hug you again"

She closed the phone and so did I too. I looked at Bob who was ready to go back home and hug (Y/N) and I'm ready to kiss her and never let her go anymore. I looked at the engagement ring I bought for her yesterday and said "I can't wait to ask you (Y/N) to marry me. Bob you wouldn't mind right If I uhh steal her away from you?" I asked gently with a 'hehe' laugh. Bob glared at me and 'grrr' at me. I laughed and hug Bob saying "don't worry buddy. I would protect you and (Y/N) too. But for now I'm just gonna steal her away from you...hahaha" and there I was running away from Bob who was apparently chasing me while barking.

While I was running I looked up at the sky, sigh and said "You had me worried back there (Y/N). The next time this happens again, boy would I do something much more than just kissing to you"

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then opened it again and screamed "YEAH! Let's go home Bob! I can't wait to hug my wife!" Bob barked and said "Woof! Woof!"  I smiled and laughed "Right and you can't wait to see her too!"

And there we go. Running back home just to find our loving (Y/N) at home cooking us our favorite food.

"We're home love!"

"welcome back home Sweet heart and Bob too" She looked at us and smiled lovingly. She was an angel I tell you. An angel. And she is my most precious angel in the whole wide world.

"What chu cooking love?" I came near her, hugged her from the back and kissed her cheeks.

"Well I'm cooking your favorite food what else Kaizo?" she kissed me in the lips gently. And said "I love you Kaizo"

My hear was beating so fast that i cant hold it anymore, and there I was letting go of the hug and started going on my knees, (Y/N) looked back and was so shocked while crying.

"I love you so much, that I dont wanna lose you or give you to anyone else but me. So (Y/N) will you marry me? And be my wife? We can be a family."

"Kaizo....your not joking right?" She asked happily while crying still

"I would never lie to you my love, my wife." She looked at me and giggle

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I stood up and hugged her and kissed her passionately. I put the engagement ring on her hand and kiss her again.

"This time I promise you, I'll never let you go again".

We embrace each other and Bob came to us wanting a hug too. So we gave Bob a hug too.

"Together we'll be a great family (Y/N)"

Love Me Back To Life (Captain Kaizo x Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now