She's Missing?!

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(In this chapter it'll be looking only on Kaizo's POV)

Its been a few weeks already now that I have lived with her in the same house, same building same roof. Feels like were a married couple. Wait a minute why not I buy her a engagement ring so that I could keep her all to myself?

As soon as I walk back to the house I saw a guy talking with (Y/N) she looks so happy? It feels like his more comfortable to be in rather than me. Thinking about this I realized that my heart felt like in pain, hurting and breaking apart any second. I knew (Y/N) has someone else in her mind other than me.

Just seeing them two together would hurt me so I decide to leave them for awhile. Maybe I'm better being alone. Maybe that guy that (Y/N) just talked to was more handsome, more manly and more like the gentleman type. No no Kaizo dont give up! Maybe his just her friend? But what if (Y/N) is really cheating behind me while I'm out?

Not concentrating on where I was looking I bumped my head in the light pole a little making some other girls and boys laugh. I looked down to the ground, embarrassed. So I thought maybe I'll just go home the other way around.

Well I thought it would be great going the other way around or should I say shortcut but no it was a bad idea. The guy that (Y/N) was talking to was there walking towards me. I gulped and started walking straight without even noticing that he was actually smiling and looking at me for a few second then looked away.

I mean I dont really care whether his staring at me or not as long as he didnt touch my future wife I'll not murder him. As soon as I reach the front door of the house I opened it a little and saw that Bob has been sleeping in the couch the whole time. But when I looked around there was no sign of (Y/N) anywhere.

This made me angry and worried so I woke Bob up to see that he was still sleepy but I had no choice. I can't leave Bob alone too in the house. So I took him and locked all the doors and went out looking for (Y/N) everywhere. Bob tried searching but he can't smell her scent anywhere. This made both me and Bob extremely worried. This can't happen! I just saw her talking with a guy and....

Wait, dont tell me that guy was the one who stole her?! Oh that son of b* I'll murder him if he ever steals my girl! My anger was taking control over me so I couldn't bring my normal senses back so I decided maybe this time the only way I'll get her back was getting mad at this guy that I do not know.

Walking for hours has been so tiring especially when I'm angry. Bob fell down to the ground panting and wanting to drink water, luckily there's a store nearby so I thought maybe its time I buy some water for Bob and a ice cream for me to cool my head down.

Inside the store there was only a few costumers since its like 11:40 PM so probably some other people is asleep already. Looking for water for Bob I saw a man with the same face as the guy that (Y/N) was talking to, it seems like this guy is buying a coffee and a cigarette. I shook my head thinking maybe I'm just imagining things but I think it is. The guy is gone, maybe he went home already?

I looked away for a few second and looked back again seeing the same guy that bought the coffee looking at me. Terrified and scared. I looked away sweating.

"That man scared the shit out of me. I think I almost shet my pants omg. Is this guy really staring at me? Maybe if I blink again he'll be gone." So I blinked twice and looked soon as I just looked back I jumped my ass out and freaked the fk out because this guy was already in front of me!

"wtf?!" I said.
"Sorry? I didn't mean to scare you" He said nicely.

"God sake man, you could at least say 'hi excuse me' more than coming to a stranger who's buying drinks for its dog and then scared the shitless pants out of me?" I said with a bit of high tone.

He didnt really do anything and shrug it off. Again he said sorry as the usual. When he started to walk away he looked at me again and said "Where's your Wife? Ur not bringing her?" He said. Still looking at me but this time worried. Not really but yeah.

"Oh! Your the one that kidnapped my wife didnt you?" I asked this time so angry.

"sir, please do not fight at the store!" One of the costumers said.
As soon as I heard this I took a deep breath and pull this guy out of the store to talk with him properly.

"So you thought I'm the one who stole your wife away from you?" He looked away laughing and started speaking again. "Look why would I steal someone else's wife? I have a girlfriend already. Plus (Y/N) is my highschool friend. My names Mike." As soon as I said this Mike started sighing and looked around.

"If (Y/N) isn't with you...where else could she go?" I asked worriedly. Really worried.

"Hmm..well I was talking with her a few hours ago and walked her back home. She said she'll stay home until 'husband' comes back but when I walked away I heard a footstep and I looked around and saw a man with black suits just talking to her I thought maybe (Y/N) knows him so I left and saw you. Could it be that man in the black suit that took her?" I looked at Mike and then Bob.

Bob whine feeling the same way as I am feeling right now. Worried. Anxious. And most of all. Depressed and stressed.

"Dont look like that dude. Dont give up nor lose hope. Maybe you can find her tomorrow? Or if you want you can find her now apparently its already 12:00AM so I think there's a 50% chance you'll find her since everyone else is asleep." Mike looking so calm and not doing anything I decided to fk off from him and search (Y/N) all by myself.

Of course mike didnt stop me and went to his car leaving both me and Bob alone again walking home.

"I swear I'll find you (Y/N) and I will murder that man with the black suit that took you away!" I said with a tiny angry voice. And Walked away feeling sad.

A/N: sorry guys update long. Problem I'm having a depression mood at the moment. Stressed and many more. This is the least I can do for you guys for awhile until I'm back to my normal self. Apart from that enjoy the new update! Comment and give this story some love so that I know you guys are with me <3

@Arunnie Peace ;)

Love Me Back To Life (Captain Kaizo x Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now