Chapter 49

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Drew, Alex, and Joy sat at their gate at the airport, waiting to board the plane.

"Baby, relax," Drew patted Alex's thigh. She's been tapping her foot for the last fifteen minutes. "We'll be there soon." He assured.

"I'm fine." She said.

"How long is the flight?" Joy asked, annoyed and ready to leave.

"Not long, just relax." Alex said, still tapping her foot.

"Babe, you're the one that needs to relax."

Joy put on her Pink solo Beats by Dre and tuned them out.

Someone got on the intercom and began to give information about their flight and Alex stood quickly and started a line. Drew and Joy trailed behind her.

For two hours and fifteen minutes, Alex sat nervously on the plane. The flight seemed to have lasted longer than two hours. She couldn't do anything to occupy her time on the plane. Joy slept with her music in her ears and Drew read a book. Alex couldn't understand how could they be so relaxed.

She had a window seat and her eyes wandered out the window every other five minutes to see some land.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chicago, we will be landing in approximately ten minutes. If you are...." she heard the pilot say. Her heart started to race a little as they landed and waited to get off the plane.

She had a tight grip on Drew's hand as they wandered their way to baggage claim. Getting their luggage, they went on rented a car and drove to their hotel.

"Have you called him yet?" Drew asked Alex as she sat on the edge of the bed, holding her cell phone in her hand.

"Not yet."

"Did you want to do it now or wait? How about we grab some food. Maybe you need something on your stomach."

"Can we please," Joy interrupted, "I'm hungry."

Alex glanced at Joy, "yea, let's get something to eat."

"Good, I know of a good place my colleague told me about." He sat next her and rubbed her thigh. Just relax and enjoy your day." He whispered.

"Okay." Alex took a deep breath.

Going out to eat, put Alex's mind at ease. When they we're leaving, her father called her.

"Hey, did you guys make it here okay?" He asked.

"Yes, we were all settled in the hotel and we just left from getting food." She answered.

"Awe, I was going to treat you all to dinner this evening but maybe we could do something else."

Alex couldn't think straight enough to make another suggestion.

"How about you guys come to my house and we can go to your brother's show. He really wants to meet you. I told him you were coming and he was very excited." Alex could hear a smile on his face.

"Okay, great. What kind of show is it?" Alex asked. She wanted to see how entertained Joy would be.

"Live music at the House of Blues. Mainly jazz." He answered.

"Oh he's in a jazz band?" She asked.

"Yep, he a very talented man. I don't want to brag too much, just come out and see. I'll meet you all there because I have some things to do in the mean time. It starts at seven this evening."

Alex looked at the time, "okay." She had plenty of time until then.

"If you want, I would suggest touring downtown.  It's a beautiful place." He said. "I'll see you all later."

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