Chapter 32

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"Babe!" Alex rushed into Zach's bedroom where he and Drew were up playing video games.

"Wassup?" He said, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"I need to tell you something, this is urgent." She said, trying not to sound too worried, but she was. Angel had just called about the news regarding Candice.

Struggling to take his focus from the game, he glanced at his wife noticed the look on her face. This was serious. He made his way to her and she stepped out into the hallway.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"It's your sister." She said in a low tone. "She's in the hospital."

"What?" His eyes grew wide. "What happened?" He asked. "Is it her baby?"

"No." She said in a calm tone for him to calm down.

He began to pace back and forth.

"She overdosed." She said lowly.

"OD?" He stopped and stared at her and she could see anger in his eyes. "Why in the hell would she do something like that?"

"We need to go up there." Alex said.

"Overdose? What would possess her to do something like that?" He asked as if he were demanding an answer.

Alex stepped closer to Drew and gently grabbed his hands, "sweetheart, I'm not sure what's going on. That's just the call I got, we need to go up there and see what's going on. I'll get the kids ready."

After telling Joy to get ready and getting Zach ready, they were headed to the hospital. When they got there, Joy and her brother were in the waiting room while Alex and Drew went to check on Candice.

"How is she?" Drew asked Derrick.

"She's fine. They had to pump her stomach." He said. "She should be up soon."

"How's the baby?" He asked.

Derrick and Angel exchanged looks and he sighed.

"There's no baby."

"What you mean there's no baby?" He asked as Alex frowned.

"She had an abortion." Derrick added.

"What?"  Alex questioned.

"Abortion? I thought she was keeping her baby?" Drew asked.

"What's been going on?"

She got an abortion the day after the party and I don't know what happened afterwards. Apparently the medicine she was given after the procedure, she took the entire two bottles with some wine." Derrick explained.

"I'm just glad we found her before it was too late." Angel said.

"I'm glad too." Alex said. She looked at her husband, who seemed to be zoned out. She grabbed his hand. "Babe?" She mumbled to him. Moving their hand a little, she said it again. "Babe..."


"Everything will be okay." She assured.

"How do we know? She get involved with this clown and he lead her to do this!" He pointed to his sister in the bed. "There's no telling what she would do when she gets out of here."

"We can get her some help." Angel said.

"The thing I know that would help her is for me to go kick that nigga ass!"

"Let's just focus on Candy right now. Focus on what we can do to help her get better." Alex said.

"Fuck that!"

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