Chapter 58

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"So, what is this party that you want to throw this evening?" Derrick asked Angel as he walked into the kitchen where she was cooking.

"It's not a party, it's just a dinner for all of us." she answered.

"And who is all of us because remember what happened the last time we had a gathering and everybody was over here." he stated.

"That crazy heifer sent Alex's mom over here."  Angel shook her head. "But I do believe that we've put that behind us, so I set up this dinner for us all to get together and just enjoy each other's company." She answered.

"Awe, that's really kind of you to do." He kissed her cheek. "So, what do you need for me to do?" he asked, sitting on a stool at the island.

"All I need for you to do is keep stay out of my kitchen while I cook and keep Zach out of here too."

He chuckled. "Well can I least get a beer first?" he asked.

"Absolutely." She answered. "Get whatever you need. Drew, Alex, and Joy will be over soon, so you'll have some company."

Derrick got up and went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of beer. "Alright, babe, I love you." He kissed her cheek.

"Love you too." she said as he left the kitchen.

A few minutes after he left the kitchen, they heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it." Derrick called out.

Angel heard him talking but she already knew who it was. Moments later, Alex, Joy, and Drew walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, girl." Alex spoke, giving her a hug.

"Hey, Angel," Drew spoke, sitting the bags of groceries on the counter top.

"Thank you,  baby." Alex said, walking to the sink to wash her hands.

After he left, Joy and Alex began to help Angel prepare the food.

"So, how are you kids?" Alex asked.

"Girl, they are loving Cali. They don't even want to come back here." Angle chuckled.

"Cali is a nice place. LA right??"

"Yep, that's where there are. Their dad has this big new house and they have a new baby brother."

"Oh she had her baby?" Alex said.

"Yea." Angel nodded. "I'm glad because they won't have to worry about me having anymore kids." She laughed.

Alex laughed although what Angel said wasn't so funny. All these woman around her have children, yet she's been trying for years. She glanced over at Joy who was silently cutting potatoes and her thoughts vanished. Joy is her daughter and Zach in her son, all through love.

Derrick came into the kitchen to grab another beer. "Hey Alex." He gave her a quick side hug and kissed Joy's forehead.

Derrick's scent caused Alex to pause. Suddenly, her stomach felt upset. "Whoa. He has on a lot of cologne."

"Does he?" Angel frowned a bit. "He rarely wears it in the house."

Alex gagged and ran straight for the restroom close by.

Angel and Joy stood confused.

"Was it that bad?" Angel asked.

Joy shrugged. "I really didn't smell anything."

"Let me go check on her." Angel wiped her hands on the rag and went to the restroom.

"Alex," she softly knocked on the door. "you okay?" she heard Alex coughing and then she heard the toilet flush.

After what felt like a long minute, Alex opened the door.

"You okay? Do you need anything?" Angel asked.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just get some water." Alex made an attempt to leave the bathroom, but she gagged again and then stormed back into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"She is not okay." Angel mumbled to herself, heading back to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

After waiting for Alex outside the bathroom for a few minutes, she came out.

"Here." Angel handed her the bottle.

"Thank you." Alex sighed.

"Now, you're going to sit down and me and Joy will finish dinner." They both went back into the kitchen.

"I can still help." Alex released a sigh, sitting on a stool at the island.

"You can sit right in the seat and drink that water." Angel instructed.

The longer Alex sat the worse she felt. "Angel, do you think I can go lay down in the guest room?" she asked.

"Sure, honey." Angel said. "Come on."

Angel led her to the guest room and got her settled.

"Do you need anything?" she asked.

"No, thank you. I just need to lay here for a moment."

"Use all the time you need. I'm going to tell Drew that you're in here.

Alex spent more time in the bed than she'd thought she needed to and they had to cut their visit and dinner short.

A few days later, she was still sick and decided to go to the doctor.

"Well, I think believe I found your diagnosis." Dr. Gilmore, her gynecologist, said to her after she returned to the room with Alex's results from her examination.

"What is doc, because I'm over this cold or whatever this may be." Alex asked, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed.

"Well, with the tests that we ran, your pregnant." She answered.

Alex stared at the middle aged woman for a moment without blinking.

Her reaction caused Dr. Gilmore to chuckle. "Alex, blink." She simply instructed.

Alex blinked at inhaled deeply. "Dr. G, now I've been your patient for a while now, don't play with my emotions like this."

Dr. Gilmore laughed. "The last thing I'd ever play with is my patient's health. Especially one who finally got what she wanted for a long time now." Dr. Gilmore smiled. "So congratulations to you and your husband. I know he's going to be thrilled."

A smile slowly formed on Alex's face along with the tears in her eyes. After all these years she and Drew have some good news and she was more than happy to share it with him.

After wrapping up with Dr. Gilmore, Alex headed back home. Drew should be home very soon and Joy was in her bedroom.

Alex figured she should also surprise her with the baby news. Now she would have to set up a surprise for the two of them and hope all goes well.

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