Chapter 8 - Over Again

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Jade's POV

"So what happened last night Jadey?" Jesy asked while she was changing.

I was dressed for classes a bit too early so I stuck around with Jesy. "Nothing! We just went bowling and to the diner." I told her the truth.

Jesy was gone when I came back from hanging out with Harry last night and when she got back I was passed out.

"Sure Jade. You went out with Harry, Harry Styles." She said. "It wasn't a date!" I told her as I gathered my things and opened the door.

"Wait for me!" She said as she hurried to leave with me. "I hear things Jade. Harry gets around so be careful." She said as we started walking towards school.

"We aren't dating Jes!" I told her. "You must have heard rumours because Harry is actually really nice." I defended him.

The more I learn about Harry, the more I want to get to know him better.

He's such a nice guy, I want to become good friends with him.

"Jade? Did you hear me?" Jesy asked as she opened the door.

"No I didn't sorry. What did you say?" I asked her.

"I said, you need to steer clear of him. He seems like bad news." She said. I gave her a funny look.

"You're only saying that because of the things you've heard. I may just have met Harry a few days ago but I really like him as a friend and I'm not gonna listen to what others say about him because I've gotten the chance to know him and they haven't." I told her.

"Jade, all I'm trying to say it that you should be careful around him. What if he's just using you to get in your pants?" Jesy asked.

I'm shocked that Jesy would believe the people around her, they don't know Harry the way I do. "Harry would never do that Jesy. I wouldn't let him either. I'm not like you." I told her then I walked away.

I needed to leave her before I got any angrier. I'll apologize for what I said later.

Before I entered my classroom I noticed a curly headed boy. "Hey Jade." He smiled.

"Hey Harry." I smiled back. "Do you wanna have lunch with me later? To make up for last night." He asked, those green eyes just seemed so hopeful.

"Sure. I'd like that." I said before I entered my class. "Great. This time, it's a date." He smiled and walked away before I got a word out.

As I took my seat in the front there were girls whispering around me. I couldn't quite hear everything they were saying, all I could catch was 'Harry', 'That's her', 'Can you believe it?', 'Why would Harry go for her?'.

I sank in my seat, why are they talking about me? Harry and I are just friends. There's nothing going on between us.

The teacher was late so everyone kept talking. I haven't made a friend in this class yet, but I hope I will soon. I feel like such a loner.

The girls beside me kept whispering to each other. I can't take this anymore. I have to say something.

"Can I help you two?" I turned to them. Their eyes widened and they quickly shook their heads.

"Then why do you keep talking about me?" I kept asking.

"S-sorry. We-um.." The brunette stuttered. "Is it true that you're dating Harry Styles?" The blonde one asked.

I quickly shook my head. "Harry and I are just friends." I told them.

"Are you sure? Harry doesn't have female friends that are just friends." The blonde one said. "Well, guess I'm the first." I told her.

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