Just Say It Chapter 1 "Fate"

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(Woohoo! Another story about Eren and Levi. And yes, this one is a happy one, so enjoy it!! :3)

Welcome to Sina High!
It is a very prestigious high school. Only very few students get accepted here. The school's colors are midnight blue and silver. The mascot is an eagle. And the school emblem is the Wings of Freedom.
There are two other schools which other teenagers go to within the area. They are Rose High and Maria High.

Maria High is where the best of the best attend. That means, they get straight A's on everything. There's not a single test score below a 90. Their school colors are green and gold. Their emblem and mascot are both a unicorn. (How cheap is that?!)

And Rose High is where everyone else decides to go. Their emblem is two roses and some thorns surrounding them. (Seriously, they couldn't pick a better idea?) Their school colors are red and brown and their mascot is a titan.


School had finally started. The long summer was finally over. All of the freshman were excited to make new friends and check out this massive school. Seniors were happy because it was their last year here. Also, it was 'Freshman Day', when the seniors (mainly the boys) got to torture the freshman. You know, getting lunch money from them by saying 'There's a pool on the 4th floor', stuffing them into lockers or other dumb shit like that.

One senior boy walked on the pathway towards the highschool. He had a Coke bottle in one hand and his schedule in his other. His blue backpack was slung over his right shoulder. "Tch... This year I have Environmental Science with some of the juniors." He said to himself while continuing to look at his schedule.

"Finally! We're juniors!" A boy screamed as he got out of his sister's car. His eyes shown in the rising sun. "Eren, keep it down." His sister yelled while slamming the car door. "No way! How could I?!" He said with a determined smile on his face. Mikasa just covered her face with the red scarf she's had for God only knows how long. It concealed her small blush. A little blond boy saw the siblings and ran over to them. "Hey! Eren! Mikasa! Are you ready?" He asked happily. "Of course I am!" Eren screamed excitedly. "I'm going to do by best this year in all of my subjects. That way, I can get into a good college." Armin said. "I wanna do my best too! I'm taking the phys ed course again. Just for the hell of it!" Eren yelled.

"I'm excited for prom." Mikasa flatly stated. "Of course you would be Mikasa. You're a girl." Eren said while gripping her shoulders. "Yeah. Plus, you have a very high chance of someone asking you to be their date." Armin said while walking away. "I know." Mikasa said while glancing to the side. "So, who are you going to ask to prom?" Armin asked Eren. "Armin, don't you think it's too earl-" He was cut off by a bunch of freshman girls screaming and huddling around someone. "What the hell?" He asked in confusion. "I don't know. Let's go check it out." Armin said while walking a little closer. Eren and Mikasa followed the small boy. The three of them stood at least 10 feet away. They didn't want to get up in all of the action that was going on.

"Girls please. Calm down." The tall boy said while smiling at them.
"You're so hot." One of them called out.
"You're perfect." Another said.
"YOU'RE SO DAMN SEXY!" One called out. Everyone else who didn't compliment him all screamed. A couple of them dropped like flies. The boy sighed and looked around. He saw a short boy with raven hair staring at a piece of paper. "Excuse me, ladies. I have to go. Have an awesome time here and maybe I'll see you around." He said as he walked out of the crowd. They all sighed and watched him walk away to homeroom.
The tall boy ran up to his friend. "Thank goodness you showed up." He sighed in relief. "I'm not going to be your lifesaver this year underst-" The short boy was cut off by a freshman girl screaming. "OMG! HE'S SEXY TOO!" They all screamed again and several more dropped like flies. "Look what you did, eyebrows. You passed it onto me now." He snapped. "I'm sorry." The tall boy said while scratching the back of his neck. A sudden gust of wind blew by and knocked the raven haired boy's schedule out of his hand. Eren saw the paper coming towards him so he reached up and grabbed it.

He walked over to the short boy. "Here you go." He said while looking at him. "Thanks." The shorter boy said while taking the paper from him and turning away. Eren stared at the two older boys walking away. Mikasa walked up beside him. "Who are they?" He asked while continuing to watch them.

"The tall, blonde boy is the student council representative, Erwin Smith. The other is his friend, Levi Ackerman. Even though we have the same last name, we're not related." Mikasa said.

"Levi and Erwin...hmm..." Eren sighed.

(Chapter 1 is done. And sorry about the spoilers of Levi's last name being Ackerman. I made the two not related. And if two people have the same last name, it doesn't make them related to each other. Trust me. There are thousands of people I know with my last name and I don't even know who they are. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!)

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