Just Say It Chapter 2 "Hello"

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(Here is chapter 2! Hopefully there is more EreRi or Riren in it. :3 )

The first day of school has been brutal so far for Eren. He's already been assigned homework. Levi, on the other hand, just went to class and sat there.
Eren had Algebra 2 first, then history second. After that was 3rd lunch. (And trust me, that lunch sucks.)

Luckily, after lunch, it was Environmental Science. The reason why Eren was in Environmental Science was because in his freshman year, his grade for science was higher. That enabled him to skip the dumb science class and enabled him to be placed in Biology, and in the following year, he was placed in Chemistry. He was able to choose what science course he wanted to take. He decided to take Environmental because everything else seemed...boring. As Eren stepped into the door for this class he remembered something.

He didn't do so hot in biology. And this was considered advanced biology with more information added to it.

Eren looked around the room and saw Armin standing up against a whiteboard, reading a book. Eren walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder. Armin jumped a little and looked at Eren.
"Hi Eren. What's up? How were your first three classes?" He asked happily while shutting the book. "Horrible. I started off with math, then history, then lunch, and now I'm here." He groaned. "Oh, that sucks." Armin said.

The bell rang and the teacher walked into the room. "Alright everyone. I'll be giving you your assigned seats. You'll be arranged in alphabetical order. And my name is Ms. Hanji." She stated.
"Crap...it's that crazy bitch who taught me in freshman year. And we're also being seated in alphabetical order again." Eren whispered angrily.
"Alright let's see here... Levi Ackerman." She said while pointing to the first seat in the first row. Levi walked past Eren and Armin and sat down in his seat. 'It's that kid from earlier..' Eren thought. "Armin Arlert." She said while pointing to the seat behind Levi. Armin exchanged a look with Eren and walked to his seat.
"Marco Bodt." Marco took his seat behind Armin.
"Mina Carolina." As soon as the teacher said that name, Eren looked up and around the room. He saw the dark haired girl walking towards him. He smiled and she smiled back at him, before taking her seat in front of where Eren was standing, behind Marco. Ms. Hanji kept on babbling and pointing off the names of the students.
"Eren Jaeger." She said. Eren grabbed his bag from off of the floor and sat in the desk in the front of the third row.
"Jean Kirschtein."
'Dammit...not that bastard.' Eren thought angrily. Jean walked over to Eren and sat behind him. This wasn't the first time the two and to sit this close to each other. Within another minute or so, everyone was seated. Class began.

After ES, Eren ran up to Levi in the hallway after telling Armin that he should just go to German class without him. "Oi, Levi!" Eren called after him. Levi turned around and glared at Eren. "Make it quick. My class is on the other side of the building." "Ok. Well, I noticed on your schedule that you have 7th period gym, so I guess I'll be seeing you there." Eren said while smiling. "Whatever." Levi sighed as he walked away.

German class went by just fine. After that, Eren had study hall. And after study hall, it was gym class.

Eren ran with his gym uniform to the boy's locker room. He saw Armin and ran over to him. "Hey Armin!" He said as he dropped his gym bag. "Hi Eren." Armin was currently shirtless and in his boxers. He was pulling up my gym shorts. The entire locker room went silent and everyone looked towards the doorway and saw Erwin and Levi. "What's with the dramatic silence?" Armin whispered to Eren. "I don't know." Eren whispered back. Voices soon filled the air as more boys got changed. "So, how was study hall?" Armin asked while putting his shirt on. "It was ok...I mean I got written up." Eren said with a small laugh as he took his shirt off. Armin watched him and inspected him. The smaller boy just stared wide eyed at him because....OH MY GOD!
"Eren." He said while looking at him.
"What?" The brown haired boy asked while pulling up his gym shorts.
"You have abs.." He said while looking at him.
"I know. It's a nice six pack, isn't it?" Eren said while grinning.
"It's an eight pack." Armin corrected him. Eren looked down and saw that his friend was right. "Oh wow...that's surprising." Eren said while putting on his t-shirt. Both boys turned around and saw Erwin and Levi completely shirtless too. Erwin was better built than Levi, but the two of them still looked really hot. Even some of the other boys were jealous.

All of them went out into the gym. They pretty much spent the day lifting weights. It was a hard task for Armin because of his poorly built structure.

Eren's last class was English. He hated that subject because he did poorly on tests and quizzes. Thankfully, in that class, they didn't do anything.

Soon, their first day of school was over. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all walked out of school together. "Thank god today is over. Yo Armin. Wanna come swimming over our house?" Eren said. "Sure. Sounds cool." Armin smiled. Once again, the group of freshman girls were huddling around Erwin, and now Levi. "Get out of my face." Levi said. "He doesn't mean that, ladies." Erwin said while smiling. "No. I mean that." Levi said as he walked away. Eren, Mikasa and Armin watched him walk away. "Jeez...he could at least be nice to them." Eren growled. "I wouldn't blame him for getting so pissed." Mikasa said while following him. Eren and Armin watched her and slowly followed her.

(This had a little bit of EreRi in it. I'm sorry that it didn't have much in it though. There should be more EreRi moments in the coming chapters. :3)

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