Just Say It Chapter 9 "Depression"

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"W-what do you want?"
"Come downstairs so we can talk about this."

It's been at least two hours since Levi has gotten home from school. And two hours since Erwin has begun pestering him.

"If you don't open this door right now, I will force it open."
"Go ahead...be my guest."

Erwin forced all of his weight on the wooden door before him. The door flew open and the blonde walked straight over to Levi's bed. He grabbed his arm and lifted him to a sitting position. Erwin stared at his face in shock.
"Levi...what happened?"
"N-nothing that concerns y-you.." Levi said while drifting his head back down, so he could avert Erwin's big blue orbs. Erwin forced his head back to looking straight at him.
"Tell me what happened." The taller boy demanded.
"E-Eren...asked out Mina..." Levi said while sobbing uncontrollably.
"He did?" Erwin asked confused.
"Yes! And now...h-he's...he's gone."
"What do you-"
"You know exactly what I mean! H-he's moved on...a-and..." Levi just lost it right dead and there. He threw his arms around the boy in front of him and buried his face into his chest.
"Levi..." Erwin said while rubbing his back, trying to calm him down.
"E-Erwin... I-I can't do th-this..!" Levi yelled.
"It's ok Levi. Just calm down..."
"I-I can't..."
"Will this help?"
Levi looked up at Erwin and wiped some of his tears away.
"Eren didn't ask Mina out, to be her girlfriend. He asked her out to prom." Erwin said calmly.
"H-he did?" Levi asked.
"Mhm. Armin told me. He said that he was so nervous." At this point, Levi was laughing and crying hysterically.
"You still have a chance Levi." Erwin said while standing up. Levi shook his head and got up as well. Thanks to Erwin, he felt so much better.

The junior prom went according to plan. Well, to everyone besides Eren. He wanted (like really wanted) to ask out Mina that night, but he didn't know when and he was really scared that he would be rejected. So, he ended up not asking her.
The following week after the junior prom, Levi asked Petra to the prom in front of a whole bunch of people. Her face was as red as a tomato. Luckily, she accepted Levi's offer. He apparently kissed her on the cheek before leaving her look like an idiot.
And the weekend after junior prom, didn't go so well. Mina landed herself in the hospital and she died of heart failure that Saturday afternoon. Eren, at the time, was over at Levi's house. He received a call from Mikasa around 3:00 that day. He had to make up this big excuse that he had to go somewhere really important with Mikasa. Luckily, he didn't have to drag Armin with him.
When he got in the car, the siblings immediately drove off, back to their house. When they got home, Eren bust though the front door and ran straight to his room. He locked himself up there and began quietly sobbing.

'Why couldn't she stay alive for a little longer?'

'Why did she have to leave so soon?'


'Why god damn it?'

Eren couldn't handle it. He really couldn't. He wanted to be there, right next to her. He went into his drawer and pulled out a knife.

And his old habit started up again.

To be continued...

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