Just Say It Chapter 4 "Help?" Part 2

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Levi stepped over the small bump that led for the living room to the other. Eren however didn't notice that bump, and he tripped.

And fell right on top of Levi.

Eren's eyes widened in surprise. So did Levi's. They both stared at each other. Eren then got off of Levi and looked at him. "I'm so sorry Levi! I didn't mean to do that. I didn't see the bump there and-"
"It's ok." Levi said as he sat up. "No one usually does. I hear Erwin trip and fall all the time. It's quite comical."
"Oh ok." Eren said as he looked at Levi. "You aren't hurt anywhere are you?"
"No. I'm not." Levi said. He was lying but Eren was to dumb to notice. "We should get cracking on helping you get a better grade."
"Yeah. I'll go grab my stuff." Eren walked into the kitchen and grabbed his school bag off of the ground. He came back to Levi as quick as he left. "Good. Now get your book out so we can start."

~15 minutes later~
"This sounds a little 'grade schoolish', mitochondria is the power house of the cell." Levi said.
"Are you really sure all of these nicknames are going to help me get better grades?" Eren asked.
"Yes I'm sure." Levi sighed.
Eren continued working and the front door to Levi's house opened. It was Erwin.
"Don't get the floor all wet. And take a shower. You look disgusting." Levi hissed.
"Anyways, guess who's parents are going to be out of town this weekend?" Erwin asked with a smirk on his face.
"Yours." Levi stated flatly.
"Yep. You know what this means, don't you?" Erwin smirked. Levi just smirked back. Eren looked at the two confused. "I know we only have 2 days until this entire thing goes down, but I have a feeling the word will go around fast." Erwin said while scrolling through his phone. "Mhm. Should it be seniors only or juniors and seniors?" Levi asked. "Hmm...juniors and seniors. Let's make it wild." Erwin said with a wink while walking away. "Yes." Levi said with a smirk.
"Umm...what's going on?" Eren asked confused.
"Since Erwin's parents are going to be gone this weekend, we're throwing a party. And you're invited. Same with everyone else in the junior and senior class at Sina High." Levi said while running a hand through his hair.
"Really?" Eren asked shocked.
"Yes really." Levi said.
"Awesome! So, do I have to wear anything fancy? Or no?" Eren asked.
"Dress like you would everyday. Just add a little bit of decent ness." Levi said while eyeing him down.
"Ok. What time should I get here?"
"Like around 7:30."
The two of them continued their tutoring today. Eren went home, feeling a little more confident then usual.

~The next day~

"So yeah. That's the low down for Friday night. So, who's all going?" Eren asked with a smirk on his face.
"I am!" Sasha yelled.
"Me too! Sasha, do you want to go with me?" Connie said while looking at the brunette.
"Mhm." Sasha nodded her head.
"I'll go too! Maybe I'll find a cute girl and make her mine." Reiner said with a smirk.
"Are you sure you're not just messing with us, Jaeger?" Jean asked.
"Oh I'm sure. I was there when they were planning this out." Eren said while smiling. The bell rang and Eren picked up his backpack. "I'll see you guys later." The brown haired boy said while running away.

Eren saw Levi in the hallway on his way to ES. He walked up to him. "Hi bro." He said while looking down at him. "Yo." Levi said while shooting him a glare. "I told some of the juniors about the party you were throwing this Friday night. They said they're coming." Eren said with a small smile. "Good. The entire senior class knows already." Levi said with a small smirk. Eren stood there surprised. 'There's no fucking way that they could all know already.' "That's crazy." Eren said shocked. "Mhm." Levi nodded his head. The two of them entered ES and waited for class to begin.

After school, Eren went over Erwin's house for more tutoring. He did the same thing the next day.

"Ok! I'll see you guys tonight!" Eren said while heading out the front door of their house. He hopped in Mikasa's car and they drove off. Levi walked into the kitchen and face palmed.
"What's wrong, Rivaille?" Erwin asked while walking over to him.

"This brat is killing me."

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