Just Say It Chapter 6 "First"

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"You what?!"

"I'm sorry Eren."


After Levi and Erwin's little 'shindig', Armin told Eren his whereabouts during the party. Apparently...,

Erwin and Armin had sex together. And now the two are dating one another.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Eren asked, a little disappointed.
"Well...I thought if I told that I was gay, you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore." Armin whispered.
"Armin, you could be straight, gay or bi. Anything really, and I'd still be your friend." Eren whispered back to him.
"Yes really."
"Thanks Eren."
"No problem, Armin."
The two grew silent for a couple of moments, until Armin broke it. "Erwin invited me over his house on Sunday." Armin said.
"Levi told me the same thing. What time did Erwin say?" Eren asked.
"He said around 11:30."
"That's what Levi said."
"Huh...that's a little weird, don't you think?"
"Yeah it is.."
"I think...wait..never mind."
"Anyways, we should get some sleep. I'm so exhausted." Armin said while yawning.
"Yeah me too. Goodnight Armin." Eren said before laying down.
"Goodnight." Armin said as he curled up in his sleeping bag.

~The next day at Erwin and Levi's house~

Levi was still passed out on the couch. It was almost noon. He hugged the pillow his head was laying on. "Eren...I love you so much." He whispered in his sleep.

Erwin heard him and he smacked him in the head with a mop. Levi woke up and stared at Erwin. "Some dream you were having." Erwin said while raising an eyebrow. Levi's face went really red and he slammed his face back into the pillow. "How the hell did you know?" He asked while keeping his head in the pillow. "Levi, I could hear you from upstairs. You were talking in your sleep. And moaning as well." Erwin said while laying the mop down next to him. Levi let out a loud sigh and took his head off of the pillow. "I'm pretty sure you have dreams about Armin like that." Levi snapped. Erwin blushed a little bit and smirked down at Levi. "Nope. I live reality, Levi. I physically do it. Unlike you, you coward."
"What did you say?!" The raven haired boy asked angrily.
"I called you a coward. That boy's slipping away from you fast. You better do something before he's gone for good." The blonde said while walking upstairs. Levi looked down sadly. 'He's right. It is going to be too late.'
Levi picked up the mop and began cleaning the kitchen floor. A blush creeped upon his face and he facepalmed himself. "I still can't believe I pictured him that way." He said to himself.
'I'm going to be dead soon because of him.'

~Sunday afternoon~

"Eren. I'm picking you and Armin up at 4:30." Mikasa said coldly.
"No you're not Mikasa! We can come home whenever we want!" Eren yelled.
"Fine.." The girl sighed in annoyance. She drove off leaving the two boys outfront. They walked up to the front door. "Should we knock?" Armin asked. "Nah. Let's just walk right in." Eren said while gripping the door handle. He pushed the door open and looked around. "Hey. We're here!" He said while taking off his sneakers. Armin did the same and walked into the living room. There was no sign of Erwin or Levi anywhere. "Where the hell are they?" Eren asked while looking around. "I don't know." Armin replied while walking into the kitchen. The two younger boys heard thumping on the steps. It was Erwin and Levi.
Erwin ran into the kitchen and hugged Armin. Levi watched the two then walked over to Eren. "Sup?" He asked. "Nothing much really. So, you found out?" Eren asked the shorter male.
"Yes. It was quite a shock to me."
"Same here. I couldn't believe it was true.
"Me neither."
"Alright you two lovebirds." Erwin said while walking over to Levi and Eren.
"Lovebirds?!" Eren asked confused.
"You should talk. You were just hugging it out." Levi snapped. "While we, on the other hand, were just having a nice conversation."
"Whatever. So, are you ready to lift weights?" Erwin asked while walking upstairs with Armin. "Yeah!" Eren yelled happily while running after the two. Levi followed them all silently.

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