Chapter 4

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I woke up at 5:39 that morning, just in time for the sunrise. I crawled out of bed, carful not to wake Jamie. I grabbed a woven blanket at the end of the bed, wrapping it around my cold body. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, I made it to the kitchen and started the kettle. I was going to make myself hot chocolate. I know what your thinking, Who makes hot chocolate in the summer? I love hot chocolate at anytime of the year! As a kid Elliot and I would sneak down stairs at night and make hot chocolate, he would tell me scary stories, which would result with me sleeping in his bed for the week.

The water finished boiling, so I grabbed a mug from the shelf and filled it with the steaming water. I always liked my Hot chocolate extra chocolatey, so I added two extra scopes of the chocolate powder. I wrapped my blanket tighter around my body, as the air conditioner kicked in, sending a cold breeze towards me. I sat at the counter top, exhausted. I haven't had more then 5 hours of sleep each night. I took a sip of my drink, my tongue burning when it came in contact with the water. I swallowed it anyways, use to the burning feeling. 

It was the first week of summer and everything was already a disaster. Elliot was acting strange, one minute he wouldn't even look at me, then the next minute he was going all cayotic about where I was. I really do miss my brother, I miss spending time with him, I miss watching movies and running around the house acting like we were on a safari adventure. He use to be an amazing brother, he was the definition of the cliche older brother. I really did love him,  I still do of course, but its not the same as it use to be. 

I herd foot steps coming down the stairs, I'm guessing its Jamie noticing I was missing and came looking for me. I took another sip of my drink, letting out a sigh. 

"Your awake?" 

I turned around surprised, that is defiantly not Jamie. Elliot stood at the bottom of the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked confused and exhausted as he strode towards the table, I wonder if he gets as little sleep as me. 

"Yeah, I've been awake for about 20 minutes now. Why are you awake?" I asked him.

"Couldn't sleep" he mumbled, looking around the kitchen avoiding eye contact. 

I never get sleep.


 It wasn't until then did I realized I had said that out loud, not even Dad, Xander or Aiden knew that I don't get a lot of sleep at night.

" never get much sleep at night" I stumbled over my words.

"Why?" he asked, actually looking worried.

"I don't know" I sighed, "I just can't fall asleep, and when I do, I end of waking up 4 hours later barley getting sleep" 

"Thats why you always look exhausted" he mumbled, looking deep in thought.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it. What are you drinking?" he asked changing the subject.

"Hot chocolate" I smiled softly. His eyes changed into a soft look, maybe a little bit of sorrow in them also.

"Of course you are" he laughed softy, his eyes crinkling when he smiled. I couldn't help but beam at him, this was the first time in a long time he had every smiled at me. I was loving every moment of this conversation. 

"Here" I said getting up from the table, I grabbed a mug from the shelf and filled it with hot water, adding some chocolate powder. Elliot was looking at me, confused. I turned to him, arms stretched out, handing him the glass of hot coco. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before hesitantly grabbing the mug, I smiled walking back to my seat.

"Thank you" he said, taking a sip of his drink.

 He coughed, muttering a 'hot' under his breath. I laughed at him, hiding it with a cough, when he shot me a playful glare. We both drank in silent, but surprisingly a comfortable silence. Once we finished, I took mine and his mug and put them in the dishwasher. I stood up, re-rapping the blanket around myself, since it had fallen on the floor. 

"Im going to go upstairs before Jamie wakes up" I told him heading for the stairs.

"Hey Dove" I herd him call quietly to me. I turned around to face him, one foot on the first step.

"Thanks again for the hot chocolate" he said to me. 

I smiled at him, continuing my walk up the stairs. Once I was in my room, I laid down next to Jamie, she was still past out snoring lightly. I chuckled and grabbed my remote, turning on Netlfix and snuggling under the covers.

I somehow managed to fall asleep during the movie.

When I woke up, my TV was still on but the movie had ended. Jamie was awake, playing a game on her phone.

"Good morning" I said to her.

"Morning D" she mumbled, distracted by her game. 

"Im going to turn-" 

"Oh come on!" she shouted at her phone. I laughed her, she had just failed her level. She shot me a glare and pouted.

"Come on D, I was so close" she whined.

"Oh poor poor Jamie" I said mocking her words from yesterday. She stuck her tongue out at me, so I stuck mine back. 

"Like I was going to say before, Lets finish watching our Disney marathon" I said.

"Okay" she shrugged. We flicked through Netflix deciding on a disney movie. 

We watched another three movies before Jamie said she had to leave.

"Sorry Dove, my mom wants me home soon" she said standing up.

"Awh, Okay I'll see you soon" I told her. I walked her to the front door telling her bye, she waved starting her walk down the street. I locked the door and flopped on the coach, turning on the TV. 

Elliot walked down the stairs, and to my surprise sat down on the coach next to me watching TV also. He is just full of surprises today.

"Did your friend leave?" he asked. 

"Yeah" I nodded, glancing at him. He was starring at the TV, a water bottle in his hand.

"Im going out to meet some buddy's, I won't be home until late. Just wanted to let you know" He said standing up.

"Oh okay, have fun I guess" I told him.

He chuckled, "I will" 

He walked to the door throwing on his shoes and walking out. 

Im so confused right now. Just yesterday he refused to talk to me, and now he and I are drinking hot chocolate together, and having conversations.

Maybe just maybe, this summer will turn out alright.


Sorry guys this chapter is pretty short. 

But I hope you still enjoyed it! Please vote:) 

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Love you all <3

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