Chapter 15.

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I lay in bed starring at my ceiling. I hadn't had a dose of insomnia in a while and now it seemed to be hitting me in full force. I turned my head slightly towards the clock, my whole body feeling numb. I squinted my eyes slightly at the bright light seeing big bold numbers flash 3:46. I had to be out of the house by 11:00 the next morning so I could see Jamie and Miranda.

After the news from Jaime we had both sat in silence only the sound of her sniffles could be heard. All my anger had been demolished and my mind felt heavy with sadness when Elliot walked back through the doors. He tried to make eye contact with me but I avoided it by looking at the floor, he took a seat next to me and I shifted closer to Jamie. He seemed to notice too because when I looked up he had confusion and hurt clouding his eyes. 

I managed to ignore him the whole night and only keep my focus on Jamie. The nurse returned to us 3 hours later with news that her mother had been in critical condition but made it through the surgery and would have to stay there so they could keep a close eye on her health. We all quietly went to see her mother in her room, who still hadn't woken up from surgery, before the nurses told us that we had to leave. Jamie was able to persuade the doctor to let her stay the night with her mother so I promised her I would be back the next morning. 

It was a long car ride back with Elliot, he tried to make small talk but I only gave back short, dry, responces. Once we pulled into the driveway I sped upstairs and into my room, locking my door before we could talk anymore. Which leads me to now, starring at my ceiling.

I rolled my entire body to face the clock, shutting my eyes well falling asleep.


I groaned as I flopped to the side, my body splayed across my bed. I opened my eyes and sat up, pulling a blanket that had been on my bed over my shoulders. The cool air conditioner was making goose bumps crawl up and down my arms which I didn't appreciate. I stood up walking across the floor towards my phone. When I looked down at my notifications I had a couple from Jamie updating me of her moms conditions and it looked like everything was going well. I checked the time on my phone and it was 6:56, I had gotten a rough 4 hours of sleep. 

Since I still had plenty of time until I had to leave, I walked back over to my bed well grabbing a book and started to read. With all the chaos going on lately I hadn't gotten a chance to finished my book so now I'm using my opportunity. 

I got sucked into the world of my story not even realizing the hours had started to go by until I could hear the open and closing of a door down the hall.

Elliot was awake. 

My muscles involuntarily locked up as I re played all the possible scenarios in my head of how our confirmation could go. All didn't look to good. 

Sighing I walked to my closet to get ready for the day. I picked out a cute sundress and pulled my hair into a high pony tail. I did a small twirl in the mirror happy with my appearance. 

I walked out of my room, slowly making my way down the hall knowing who was waiting for me.

When I made it to the kitchen I hesitated for a moment before walking in. My heart was pounding in my chest and I wasn't sure why. Its not like I was the one in the wrong. I lightly pinched my arm still hoping this was all just a wicked dream, sighing sadly when I only felt a flash of pain in my arm and nothing had change. I forced my feet to walk and led myself into the kitchen.

His back was to me, hunched over and eating a bowl of cereal. He hadn't noticed me yet which I was thankful for. I walked to the cupboard and grabbed a cup. As soon as it opened I saw his body spring up and rotate towards me.

"Good Morning, Baby sis" he said cheerfully. 

I frowned, how happy could he be to see me?

"Hi" I muttered, not turning away from the cup.

He stood  up and walked in my direction stopping in front of me. I felt his large hand rest on my shoulder but I refused to look at him.


I ignored him.

"Dove, please, look at me" 

I begrudgingly looked into his eyes. His eyes squinted as he scrutinized me. I squirmed under his hard gaze.

"Whats wrong Dove?" he asked softly.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

His frown mirrored mine.

"Dove, Is this about Miranda. Look I know it har-"

"Its not her, okay!" I shouted shrugging his arm off my shoulder and taking a step back.

He eyed me carefully, not knowing how to respond to the situation.

"I can help if you just talk to me, just tell me what's wrong and we can work it out" He took a step forward but I took another back. I almost felt guilty, but anger overpowered it.

Emotions rushed through my vans and my eyes flared. 

"You can't help me, Elliot! You out of all people can not help me!" I yelled, clenching my hands into fists.

He doesn't get to act like he cares, he doesn't get to be the perfect older brother.

He eyes flashed with hurt, but he concealed it quickly with a blank look, "I don't understand, Dove" 

Im done playing his stupid games.

I stormed towards the door putting on my shoes.

"Where are you going?" Elliot shouted, walking after me. 

"Don't even worry, I'll be out of your hair for the rest of the summer." I told him.

"Dove talk to me, please" he begged.

"The last thing I want to do is speak to you"

He took a step back looking physically wounded.

The house seemed silent for the next couple of seconds as we starred at each other, both breathing heavily.

"Is this what you want? You don't want me to speak with you anymore?"  Elliot asked quietly.

I was conflicted. After all this good progress is this what I really wanted? Elliot noticed my conflict and came closer.

"Is this what you really want?" he asked again, his eyes begging me to say no.

I straightened my back and looked him in the eyes, "yes"

Just like that I had watched all the progress we had made vanish with just one word and I wasn't so sure I made the right decision anymore.


Hey my loves!!!

Whoops you all probably hate me ;)

I know I constantly apologize for this but Im really REALLY sorry my chapters always take so long to go up.

IM FINALLY 15!!! Whooohooo it was finally ya girls birthday!

I love you all so dearly and Im very thankful for all your support.

Don't be afraid to give me your feedback, I love going through your comments!

Please vote and share with your friends!

love love loved you all and have a fantastic night!

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