Intro - Youth

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Some moments of the life passes by in a heartbeat. Some you can't remember because you were too young, and some that you will never forget. Some were so happy, and some sad.

Everyone has their own life, their own spaces and personalities. But there's something that every human has to face sooner or later. Something that could be one of those happiest moment, one of those moments that you'll wish you never forget. But it can also be sad and terrifying.

That moment is known as 'Youth', and it's the longest period of life for some of us. It's the moment when we start to grow up, to make mistakes and to learn from them.

But what happens when it's too late when you understand? What happens when your mistake affects the ones you love?

"Yah! Hyung come on you're so slow!!"

Every day was the same. Sneaking out of their homes, going on trips with friends, doing whatever they wanted when they wanted...and, of course, Jeon Jungkook teasing his hyungs. Just a normal day for them.

I would like to say that their lives were like normal teenagers, but sadly they were not. This guys were seen as "thugs" form the authorities, even tho they never did extremely bad things. Most of the time they just hang out and did what they wanted, the only big thing they ever did was graffiti on 'old shitty walls', as Namjoon called them.

There was a reason behind their actions though. They just wanted to be away from home all the time, because they didn't feel happy there. Hanging out with their friends was their only way to feel free.

"Calm down Kook! I am older than you, punk!" Min Yoongi said to the young boy. They all laughed while they climbed the high fence which separated them from the old building they usually hang out when they wanted to be away from the city.

"Yoongi oppa will kick your ass when he gets here" said (Y/N), the only girl of the group. "Yeah, IF he can get here" Jungkook laughed, but stopped immediately when he saw the older one finally jumping off the fence and running at him. At this point you could clearly hear Jin's iconic laugher from afar, which caused all of them to laugh at the two running down the building. Once they stopped, all of them got into a room where they arranged an old bookshelf, a table and a sofa for the time they spend there together. (Y/N) sat on the table with Jimin and Hoseok while the others sat on the sofa or on the floor.

"So how's going with the job Namjoon?" asked Hoseok. "Boring, like usual...but at least I can have my own 'home' thanks to that so..." he answered. Namjoon found a work at the gas station some months ago, and thanks to that he could afford buying a small container to live in. It was strange for someone to live in one of those, but he said that as long as he could live alone, he was more than fine. He also managed to transform it into a comfortable place, so his friends got there quite often.

(Y/N) noticed that, while they talked, Taehyung was really quiet all the time. He usually was cheerful so she jumped off the table and got to him. She threw her arms around his neck from behind and whispered: "Taehyung oppa what's wrong? You are so quiet and it's not normal for you". He shrugged it off and answered with a noise. (Y/N) was concerned, so she looked at Namjoon to caugh his attention. He immediately noticed, and when he saw (Y/N) with her arms around Tae, he understood that something was wrong with him.

"You okay Taehyung-ssi?" he asked to the younger one. Taehyung looked at him, then he glared at (Y/N), who just gave him her evil smirk. He sighed and answered: "Yeah...just problems at home, as usual. Dad gets drunk and I have to make sure he doesn't do something bad to my sister. Last time he almost beat her up so I took her outside before he did it."

He had a really angry look on his face.

"Oh yeah I remember. It was the time that you asked me to come out with you two right? I met your sister that time...she's nice, she doesn't deserve that." (Y/N) said with a concerned expression.

"Yeah...I least that bastard still brings home some money so we can 'live'." Taehyung said, and with that Yoongi spoke up: "You know you can always count on us if you need help right Tae?". "Yes I know hyung, thank you" and with that said, he gave the others his classic box smile that everyone loved. He was visibly relieved after talking with his friends, and (Y/N) felt happy about it.

"What about we hang out for some street art tonight Oppa?" she asked to Tae, who jumped on the couch and said "Yeah I'm in!". "I'm coming too. I have to check you two so you don't get in usual" Namjoon said and they all laughed.

"Hyung you love doing graffiti too don't lie!" said Jimin with his cheeky smile. Namjoon punched him and they all spent the afternoon laughing and talking.

Eventually, the evening came and they all got home. Jungkook got to Yoongi's house cause he had another fight with his parents, and he didn't want to go home, and since Yoongi had an house by himself, he was always happy if someone got there with him. Namjoon, Taehyung and (Y/N) went at the 'hometainer', that's how they called Namjoon's house, and got some spray cans. They took his car and drove to the City. When they got to an empty hall near the train station, they started painting. Making graffiti always relaxed them, and doing it together was even better. They had so much fun writing and painting.

"YAH! Taehyung oppa what the heck are you doing?!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"Drawing your pretty face of course, stay still!" the cheeky boy replied.

"That's a monster face you asshole!" she hit him on the shoulder, hard.

"Yah! Okay okay kid, it was Namjoon's face" he laughed and Namjoon, who was focused on his 'art piece', turned around saying: "Pardon?".

Taehyung shivered and (Y/N) laughed. The silly boy just said: "Yeah well, (Y/N)'s face is not even near this pretty" and he thought he saved his own ass by saying that, but he didn't.

"Oh that's it you little shit!" the girl left the spray can and jumped on Tae's back, hitting him in the head while all of them laughed. It was one of those happy moments that they always shared together.

They wished so much that those times would last forever.

But then...


Author Space: Hello my dears! I really hope you liked this Introduction. I am really triyng hart to make this interesting and understandable, so please tell me if you liked it or if there's something to change. I would love to read your thoughts cause it can help me get better! So please don't be shy <3

Anyway, what happened to those three dorks that were doing street art? Can't you guess? I must warn you tho, the events in this fanfiction doesn't necessarily follow the chronological order of the HYYH. I try to follow the 'I Need U + Prologue + Run' order but sometimes, things just slips out of my mind and HAVE to write them even if it's not in order. 

By the way, this part may be not so catchy or interesting but it's just the Intro, so i advise you to not stop reading. But you can do whatever you want of course!

Then, i will leave you now. Anneyong!

- Hirilyss

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