Chapter 10 - EXTRA: The Nightmare

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"Please....please hold me tight" the boy whispered to the girl, before crushing her into a big hug.

(Y/N) was so surprised. She NEVER saw Jungkook acting like this, especially with her. Their relationship was like brother and sister, they were buddies, always arguing and making fun of each other. He never showed his fears in front of her. She hugged him back, getting on her tiptoes and stroking his hair gently.

"Jungkookie...everything is going to be fine...we'll never gonna leave you...I was scared of this too, but Jin oppa told me this. We're never going to leave each other, because we NEED each other to live." she smiled at the boy and he raised his head slowly. She widened her eyes seeing tears coming out of those adorable eyes. Jungkook crying was a rare event, and it was heartbreaking. The small girl lifted her hand to his face, and stroked his cheek with her thumb.

"Oppa...don't cry. I hate seeing you cry..." she called out at him, and he nodded, wiping off his tears with the shirt. He then smiled at her and kissed her forehead, stroking her hair right after. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cry in front of you. I was just holding this feeling for too much time...and I just...I couldn't take it anymore." he said, and then took her hand in his, dragging her towards the forest again. She wanted to comfort him a bit more, she knew perfectly how he felt, but of course Jungkook was too proud to let her comfort him.

They walked down the hill, finally getting to the house and slamming the door open. All the boys in the room turned around with eyes of fire. Jin was the first one to speak...I mean...yell.

"WE WERE WORRIED SICK WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" he screamed at the pointing at Jungkook. "Sorry hyung, my phone died on the way here. Everything is fine" he just answered, and (Y/N) nodded at him. Jin's face got even more angry while he screamed again: "OH IS IT? YOU TWO ARE FUCKING COVERED WITH CUT AND SCARS. YOU THINK I'M STUPID OR SOMETHING?!". He stopped when Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down, but he was angry too.

"So what truly happened (Y/N)?" he looked at the girl. Jungkook looked terrified by Jin's scream. The girl looked up at Namjoon and said: "My bad. I punched a guy that spilled beer on my shoes and then we just ran away. Nothing more". Her face was so calm that Namjoon got a little scared. "You punched a guy just for that?!"

"Of course not oppa! I'm not stupid. He mocked me about that thing again so I just reacted. I don't regret it one bit" she crossed her arms on her chest, looking at all of the boys one by one. They all understood immediately what she was talking about, and stopped glaring at them. They knew that was a delicate topic for the girl.

" two are both safe at least. That's the most important." Namjoon said and they all agreed. The girl picked up the bag and took out the chips and beer. "Soooo let's party again!". They all just smiled and put on the music again.

"(Y/N)-ah dance with me!" Hoseok jumped up and took the girl by her waist, almost making her spill her beer. She laughed and put the beer down to join him dancing. Hoseok was the most talented at dancing, his moves were amazing...well, actually, HE was amazing. He put a lot of passion in it, and always tried to involve his friends in that, succeeding every time of course. After a while (Y/N) jumped in his arms and locked her legs on his waist: "I can't keep up with you! You're too good at dancing!" they older boy laughed and kept her safe in his arms: "But (Y/N) you're good at dancing too!"

"Not as good as you tho...want some beer?" she took the beer from the counter and showed it to him. "Yup thanks" he placed one arm under her butt to keep her up, while he took the beer with the other hand to drink it: "Can you two stop being so cuddly? It makes me sick" Yoongi yelled at them, seeing them like that. Hoseok laughed and said: "Are you jealous Min Yoongi?"

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