Chapter 7 - Comfort

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During that night they got back to Namjoon's place, got some blankets and slept all together there. The container he lived in was really really small, so they all had to tuck together on the floor to fit the two small rooms in the container, and in the end there were all blankets and pillows on the floor of both rooms.

At some point there were Jimin and Hoseok pillow fighting and (Y/N) laughed at them hitting each other, while Yoongi and Seokjin tried to adjust the blankets on the floor, but failing.

"Okay kids time to sleep now." the older hyung said, and at that, Yoongi furiously nodded. "Yes please I need to sleep" he said and the girl laughed: "You always need to sleep Oppa. Really, that's basically the only thing you do all the time". The boy turned to her and pulled one of her ear saying: "Show respect to your oppa, little one".

"Ouch okay okay Oppa! Sorry, saranghaeyo!" she laughed and he let her go, stroking her hair and sitting on the blankets beside her. Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Tae went to Namjoon's bedroom to sleep, while (Y/N), Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin stayed in the small living room of the container. They all got to their rooms and under the thick blankets. Jimin fell asleep almost immediately and Jungkook followed him in an instant, while (Y/N) and Yoongi talked a bit before going to sleep.

"So how do you feel?" he whispered to the girl. She turned around, facing him and answered: "I feel...fine? Why?" . "You know why. Hyung told me that you used...those things again. I wish I could have been there for you in that moment." he sighed. The girl got closer to him and rested her head on his pillow: "You had your own problems too...Tae is not the only one of us who attempted to kill himself lately. Even you, Hobi oppa and Jimin oppa did." she said, sadness in her voice.

"You almost died too...we need to do something for that addiction of yours. Even if I'll have to be with you 24/7...which would probably be good for both of us anyway" he laughed sarcastically. (Y/N) smiled at him, happy to have a friend like Yoongi. Even if her group of friend was a total disaster and had so many problems, she would have never changed them for anyone else in the world. They were the only persons that understood her, and she was glad to have them in her life.

"That sounds nice. I wish we could do that for real...maybe one day, when we both find a fucking job and can actually afford a small house alone. It would be nice to live together. At least I could get away from that awful woman" she said, thinking about her mother. Yoongi saw the look on the girl's face, and immediately knew what she was thinking. It wasn't good for her to think about her mother, it made her angry and sad every time.

He put an arm around her and pulled both her and the thick blanket towards him. He then put his chin on her head and started stroking her hair to calm her down. (Y/N) got a little surprised at his action. Yoongi is usually not the type to do such things, but then she remembered that he only acted like that because he wanted the others to see him as a strong one, while in reality he was the sweetest and caring person on earth.

She cuddled with him for a while before he spoke again: "I'll make sure to protect you and the others from now on. I promise". "....then, who will protect you?" she asked, lifting her head up a bit and locking eyes with him. "I don't need protection. I'm older enough...but just in case, Jin hyung will" he smiled and winked at her. She laughed and lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"Now let's sleep. As a lazy person, I need to sleep at least ten hours". "Wait, weren't eight the average hours a person need to sleep to feel refreshed?" she said with a confused look. He looked down at her and just said: "That's a normal person (Y/N). A 'lazy' person need at least ten hours. This is BASIC science, how can you not know it??". She laughed again and turned around with her back facing him: "Aish this oppa. I am so done with you". He smiled at her, and hugged her from the back, falling asleep just a while later.

The girl didn't fell asleep tho.

It was almost three in the morning, and (Y/N) hasn't fell asleep yet. She kept thinking about how Taehyung jumped off that platform. How he just smiled at them before jumping, not even thinking about them. How she immediately jumped off the wall and ran to the sea, followed by the others. How Namjoon got to rescue him from the cold and deadly water, and how he just stayed unconscious for two days.

She felt angry. Angry because he didn't even think about leaving them all. He only thought about himself. She was also sad. Sad because she would have wanted to be with him, to help him.

What kept her wide awake was not only that. She was also thinking about all her friends. What future will they have if they keep going like this? One day or another they will have to face the reality and become adults. But it was a scary trip. What if they lost each other by taking that path? She didn't want that. She wanted to stay with them forever. She wanted to stay Young Forever.

She carefully got up, making sure to not wake up Yoongi. She made her way to the kitchen and took some milk from the fridge. She then took a cup and filled it with the white drink, and then warmed it up. She heard a door opening behind her and she froze.

She turned around and gave out a sigh of relief when she saw Seokjin standing there. He looked at her with a confused look, and she immediately spoke: "Oh I thought I woke up Yoongi oppa. I was having an heart attack for a moment. Glad it's you!" she smiled weakly. Jin laughed softly and nodded: "Yeah I would have been scared too. But, what are you doing here at this hour?" he asked. She looked at him and said: "I could ask you the same y'know?" she smirked.

He sighed and made his way to the cupboard, taking a cup and filling it with milk as well: "Having an hard time to fall asleep?" he asked. The girl nodded, taking a sip from her now warm cup of milk. "And why is that?" Jin looked at her directly in the eyes while drinking his milk. She raised her head with a questioning look on her face: "Oh? What do you mean? I just can't sleep, that's all".

The older one looked at her with a poker face. Oops, caught in a lie. "okay fine! ...I was...thinking. A lot" she lowered her head. "About what?" he asked once again. He perfectly knew that something was going on inside (Y/N)'s head, and he wanted to help her.

"I...I was thinking about our future Jin oppa. It might sound dramatic as hell I know. But I can't keep myself from thinking that, if we go on like this, we will end really bad." she confessed. While saying this, her eyes went watery. "I am just facing reality now. And it fucking sucks. This might sound stupid but I really don't want anything to change. What if I end up like my mother? Or worst, what if we end up not seeing each other anymore?! I don't want that! It scares me!" . At this point, the girl was crying. The thought of losing her friends made her weak and sad.

The boy put down his cup, and took her cup away from her. He took her into a big hug and comforted her. "Growing up is a scary trip (Y/N)...that's why we need to go through it together." The girl felt a little more confident thanks to his words. She wanted to walk through the path of her life with all of his friends, forever, and she was determined to do that. Tears were still streaming down her face while she hugged Jin even more close. The boy looked down at her again, stroking her hair and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry (Y/N)-ah. I will make sure we will be together forever. We need each other after all" he smiled at her, and dried one of her tears with his thumb. She smiled as well and thanked him. She trusted Jin more than anyone else in his life. She finished her milk and got into the blankets again, while Yoongi threw his arms around her once again in his sleep, probably because he felt cold.

Seokjin stayed in the kitchen a bit more, thinking. It was really rare to see (Y/N) cry. She was a girl who almost never showed her weak side, and when she did, it was just because she was being cute with them, and only with them. It broke is heart to see her cry, and he wanted to make sure to never see that again. He wanted to see only similes on her face form now on. And not only with her. He wanted all of his friends to smile and be happy.

"I will protect you all. I want to se you all happy. Even if I have to sacrifice my own happiness to do that...but after all...

I can smile as long as we're together"

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