Chapter 11: A quest.

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"WHAT!?!" Almost the entire camp yelled. Except Percy and Nico, they had no idea what was going on. "Yes Yes I know.  We have no idea who could have possibly been able to steal all 3 weapons! One maybe, but three! Whoever did it was not working alone." Zeus said. Hades continued for him "Of course we have eliminated each other as suspects. All of the Weapons were stolen. We are at a lost of who it could be." Percy raised his hand. "Uhh...Yes? Perseus." "Wouldn't it have to be someone as powerful as you? To be able to pass your defenses." "Well yes," Poseidon said "But we are the most powerful, the only one that even comes close is..." "No. Not possible. We made sure of that." Zeus said. "Yes so anyways," Hades began, "We have already decided that our children shall be the heros in this quest. You have two weeks to train and prepare. Dismissed."

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