Chapter 20: Hero Time

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Nico was alone. Well... Not completely. There was definitely something that wanted to get 'close' to Nico. But he did not share the sentiment. "Perce? Thals?" No response. "Great. Okay;" Nico said to himself; "Just a Unknown monster... That can throw trees... No problem." Nico said; hyping himself up. Stomps, very slow but large stomps; sounding as if they came from everywhere; until at last they closed from one direction. Nico drew his sword, the area seeming to dim. "Yay. Less eye sight; just what I needed. Show yourself; Ugly!" Out of the trees, he saw it. It's large body, huge hands and feet, it's one; blood shot eye looking directly at him. "Oh dear gods... Well, I've been wanting to meet my Father anyway, guess the fast lane works too." Nico; not waiting for a introduction; runs straight at the beast. The cyclops was taken off guard; not many meals came charging at it. It was also surprised when he found his leg being stabbed; the sword draining it's life force. It's leg turned to a gray; clay like substance. Needless to say; it was freaked out. It tried pulling it's leg away, only to have it pop right off and him to fall down; crushing some poor, innocent trees. Nico was feeling pretty good with himself; even when he had to run up the monsters body to stab it in it's eye; turning it completely to clay. He stood victorious over the now clay beast. "Now; I feel that earned me a thanks." Nico then remembered his friends. "Oh... Right." Nico ran over to his fallen friends; feeding them each a single cube of ambrosia. Percy was the first up. "Nico!" Percy yelled. "Are you okay man? What happened to the-" Nico cut him off. "Done and done bro. Now get thunder pants up. I need to gloat." "Uhh okay." Thaila woke soon after. "He's never gonna let us live this down is he?" Percy sighed. "No. No he is not."

A/N Heya! Good news! I plan a post marathon this weekend!

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