Chapter 31: The Gods Warning

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It had been a couple of weeks since that day. The day they learned about the about the traitor. The day the earth stood still for Thalia. She loved everyone here; like family. It was hard to believe anyone would betray them. They never found out who it was; Ares said his memory was still fuzzy. She sighed as she continued to clean the arena. "Heya Thals!" Came the familiar voice of her long time friend; Luke. "Oh; hey Luke!" She said with a smile. "They got you on cleaning duty? That sucks." He said sympathetically. "I know right? We're just gonna get the place dirty again." Thalia said and Luke laughs. "Yeah; so why don't we ditch for a bit? I got some Pepsi.." Luke persuaded; and Thalia didn't try to hard to resist. "Heck yeah; let's get a move on!" She said; already dropping the broom.

He brought her to the river running through the forest; where they held many capture the flag games. "We've had some good times here; you and I. Eh?" Luke said; opening a Pepsi. "Yep. We sure have. And with Nico and Percy here; we have so much more good times coming!" Thalia said happily. Luke's expression soured a bit; but he did his best to hide it. "Yeah... Thalia?" He said suddenly. "Yeah?" Thalia replied. "Have you ever wondered if... Maybe the Gods aren't the best people to be running the world?" Luke asks. "Oh yeah totally. But there the best we got so..." She said causally. "What if they aren't anymore?" Luke said; silently. "What do you mean?" Thalia asked; a bit concerned. "Annabeth And I... We did something. We answered the call from someone. And we can't and do wanna take it back. We did it Thalia." He said with finality. "What do you-" Her mind flashed back to the conversation she had with Nico and Percy. The thief would have had to be invisible. And never touched the ground. "You... You didn't.." She said in disbelief. "We did Thalia. We answered his call. But you ruined it. I don't blame you; Annabeth doesn't blame you. Just come with us; and everything will turn out fine." Luke said; walking tword her. Thalia back away in pace. "Stay back Luke. Don't do this. Please. It's not to late! No one knows it was you and Annabeth! You can still-" Luke cut her off. "I can what? Repent and drone on doing missions for the Worthless Gods? No. Me and Annabeth have seen the truth in his words. Please Thalia; come with me!" Luke pleaded. Thalia shook her head. "No. Kronos will tear apart civilization! He's evil!" Luke angrily shouted back; "And the Gods are good? Looks at where humanity is because of them! I'm sorry Thalia; but if you won't join me... You're my enemy." He mumbles; then snaps his fingers. A scorpion appeared. "It's from Tartorus. Goodbye; Thalia." He said as it lunged. She swatted it with her hand; but it connected anyway. She stumbled blindly toward the camp. Until finally coming upon two nymphs playing. "Help... Camp." She said as blacked out.

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