[1] Being Watched✔

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The bell on the door chimes as I walk into the café. A few heads turn my way, looking to see who came in. I look around the room and my eyes stop when I see who I'm looking for. I walk over to the small table by the window and take a seat across from Brooke and Jared, two of my friends.

"Hey, Syd. Nice of you to finally show up," Jared teases.

"Sorry, I had to do something for my mom before I left," I tell him. I look over at Brooke and see she's too fascinated by her phone to pay much attention to our conversation. I look back over at Jared and make a face as if asking what's going on with her.

"She's been texting Nathan for over an hour while smiling, it's starting to creep me out," he makes a weird face. I laugh and look back at Brooke.

"So, what are you and Nathan talking about?" I smirk at her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Anything and everything really. We've been texting for a few days, I'm starting to think he's just playing around with me," she says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because he rarely ever even looked at me, now all of a sudden he's texting me non-stop?"

"I'm sure it's fine Brooke, stop over thinking it. If he's texting you all the time, he obviously likes you, just go with it." I shrug. She smiles and nods.

The waiter comes over to our table and I order a coffee. Minutes later it arrives and we all start chatting while looking out at the pouring rain.

"Are you guys ready for the history test on Monday?" Jared asks. I mentally face palm myself.

"I completely forgot, I barely studied," I sigh. I start to freak out when Brooke starts laughing.

"Calm down Sydney, neither did I. The test counts for like nothing, and Mr. Smith said it's only one page, it'll be easy," she tries to reassures me.

We talk for a bit about school and anything else that comes up. After a few minutes I feel someone's eyes on me. That feeling you get when someone's watching you is unmistakable, the way it almost shivers up my spine is reason enough to believe ok not imagining things. I look around the café but see no one paying any attention to me. I shake the feeling off with difficulty and divert my attention back to the current conversation.

"So I was thinking, the spring formal is coming up very soon and we need dresses," Brooke waves her hand between me and her. "We should go dress shopping sometime- all of us," she says, shooting a quick glance at Jared.

"And what exactly am I gonna do?" Jared asks, scrunching his face up in annoyance as his attitude shines through. I bite back a laugh.

"Sit and tell us which dresses look good," she answers, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "And once we find our dresses, we will help you pick out a dress shirt and some pants."

"When should we go?" I ask. Brooke looks at me and shrugs.

"I don't know, how about tomorrow?" She suggests.

"But tomorrow's Sunday," Jared says. We both look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Every Sunday the guys hangout at my place," he finishes, reminding us as if it's the most important thing we could have possibly forgotten. I roll my eyes.

Jared and the rest of the guys we hangout with have made a tradition over our high-school years of going to his place every Sunday to hangout. They always say the same thing: "we need guy time, you know, without the girls," and every Monday they come to school with just an amazing story about how awesome the day was.

Weirdo //h.s. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now