[8] Numb

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So sorry for the long wait, guys! I haven't been able to update in so long and I feel awful but hopefully this chapter will make you all love me again... Lol.

Warning; this chapter involves mature content such as a lot of abuse and I just want to warn you all before you continue. If abuse is something that is sensitive for you in anyway, than feel free to skip this chapter. Anything that happens is easy to explain!

Enjoy :)


"Sydney!" Harry's voice booms throughout the house. I jump in my seat from the sudden noise and rush out of my room to see what he wants.

"Yeah?" I ask quietly once I make it to the kitchen. He is standing by the counter with a hideous look on his face.

"The dishes." He points to them and raises an eyebrow. "Why aren't they done?" He asks with a certain tone to his voice that I can't decipher. It's menacing and it's the tone he uses when he's at lake of patience. I've heard it too many times.

"Yesterday you told me that I could do them later." I remind him.

"Well, it's later so hurry up." He walks out of the room and I hear his bedroom door shut.

I sigh and walk over to the sink. I'm starting to think that the real reason he kidnapped me was because he wanted a personal maid. So far that's all I've really been; his maid. I fill the sink for the second time in the last twelve hours and pour some soap in it. I start washing the dishes; my least favourite thing to do, and once I'm done, I start to walk back to my room. That's the place I basically hibernate in when Harry isn't screaming at me to do some other shit.

I make it to the hallway and right outside of Harry's door. I almost walk right by before I hear his soft snoring. I stop on my spot and place my ear on his door, being as quiet as I can. Once I'm sure he is actually asleep, I go into my room with a half smile on my face. Probably the only trace of happiness I've shown since I arrived here.

I sit on my bed and think. If I want to get out of here before I turn crazy, or before Harry decides what he wants to do with me, now is probably one of my only chances. He is sleeping and it's rare that he sleeps in the day when I'm actually awake and can see where I'm going. And he never leaves the house, at least he has yet to. So now is probably a good time to think of something and leave.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen and living room area. I walk over to the front door and notice that it's locked with the same lock hanging from the knob, making it impossible to turn. I sigh and look around, sure that there is no way I'm getting out of here. Then, my eyes land on the window. I walk over to it and sure enough, he was too stupid to put locks on it. I open it up and look at the screen. I push on the screen as hard as I can but it won't budge. I move back a little and lift my foot to kick it out. The screen pops off and lands on the ground outside. Relief floods through me and a real smile plants itself across my face. The sunshine hits my face for the first time in what feels like forever and the air that fills my lungs makes me realize how much I've taken the outside for granted. That may sound extremely stupid but if you were locked in a strange man's home for over a week without so much as a glance outside, you would feel the same way.

I hoist myself up on the sill and swing my legs over the ledge. I hop down and land softly on the grass. This is the first time I've seen the outside of his house and I have to say it's actually nice. Although I don't understand how he could afford such a nice house, he doesn't seem to have a job. His house is surrounded by grass and trees, but the yard looks like it's kept nicely. The driveway is so long I can't see the end of it, probably the reason he brought me here. It's so out of the open and private, there probably isn't people within miles of this place. I have no idea where we are and I have no idea how I'm going to find my way out but I'll need to think of something.

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