Family Pets!

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   Barry loves big dogs, he loves to cuddle with them and stuff. So, being the best girlfriend ever, you got him a big wrinkly dog; a Neapolitan Mastiff. He was so happy when he saw him walk through the door. He named him Butch and now they are best friends. Cisco gets jealous from time to time.

   Cisco got you a goldfish. When he brought the new addition home, you stared at the bowl for about two and half hours. His name is Flurry due to a white streak in his scales.

   You got a bunny just for you. Her name is carrot top, because her favorite snack is a rabbit icing made at a pet store. And it tastes like carrot whip cream.

   Harry got a parrot for you to talk to. Whenever he is gone, you often get lonely. So it's always nice to have a pet, even one who repeats things, to talk to. HIS NAME IS CRACKER!

   When you were walking to your apartment, you saw a black and gray ally cat that reminded you of your boyfriend. His ocean blue eyes told a story similar to Leonard's. So you brought him home. Leonard was actually really glad to have a pet, due to never having one as a child. The cats name is ice cube.

Hey guys, Liz here. I'm so happy for all of the support this book is getting. Sorry I haven't updated much, it's been hectic since school started, but I will start updating on days off, or at night. ALSO, I'm gonna be adding some new characters (a request) and I really hope you guys like this book. Bai!

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