How you met

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   You were walking into jitters, looking around curiously. You just moved here for work. A man ran into you, spilling hot coffee on your new shirt.
   "Great.. um, I'm sorry.. I'll buy you another one sometime.. I'm (Y/N) by the way."
   "Um, yea sounds nice. I'm Barry.."
   You giggled and went to go get a new shirt.

Cisco Ramon:
   You were a new employee of S.T.A.R labs, and this was your first day. You smiled as you fixed your hair. You were wearing an orange shirt that said 'NERD' with dorky looking glasses under the words and you had dark brown khakis.
"Hello there Ms. (Y/N). I am Cisco Ramon! Love the shirt by the way." A boy said, smiling.
"Hi, Cisco. Um, I'm really excited to work here. It's gonna be awesome."

It was game night at the West House. Barry invited you and you were ecstatic!
The door bell rang, "That's Wally!"
"Who's Wally?" You asked, looking at the door.
"Joe's son. Cool right?" Iris said, getting up to hug Wally.
"Who's the new gal? She's cute." Wally flirted as you got up.
"The name is (Y/N). Now sit so I can kick your ass in scrabble.
"Oh, it's on."

"Hey! Who are you!?" Barry yelled as he was dropped by king shark.
"Worst Jaws movie ever.. but Barry asked a valid question. Who ARE you?" You asked, crossing your arms.
The stranger slowly pulled his hood off, showing Harrison Wells.
"NOPE!" You yelled, walking away, "I am NOT going through this again!"
Wells chuckled, "I saved your ass! Be grateful!"

"Put the gun down Snart!" You yelled, tempted to pull the trigger on your gun.
"Now, why in the world would I ever do that?" He pulled his gun out, about to shoot.
You growled and tackled him, landing on his Eskimo jacket.
"You could've just asked for a kiss." He smirked.
"Jack ass..."

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