Chapter 15

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Winter POV

             FOUR MONTHS LATER

Its been a whole four month since Leo told me he didn't like me. So I've been kinda dating.Chris. He isnt a bad guy.

I guess you can say we've been on dating every since me and Leo stopped talking. " Winter will you  stay at my house?" he asked me and I nodded my head. " I sure will stay at your house." I smiled as he kissed me. It wasn't like Leo's. Leo's was better.

But I am over him. " Well I'll see you tomorrow." He told me as he dropped me off. I nodded my head pecked his lips and went into my house.

James and Tasha decided to take a break. They claimed that it was too many problems. So not much has happened since then. Chris was just being wonderful.

When I went to school I talked to James he hugged me and went on about my business. I talked to Just and Edward also. 

Chris was being a sweet boyfriend and friend I think we could have a future together. Could it get better.... Yes it could.

     Dear Diary ,

Chris has been acting really strange. Like he's been calling me out my name. He also been a real dick every since we went on our 6th date I don't understand. Its been incidents where Chris struck me and Tasha was asking questions and so was everybody else. I can't take it anymore.

Chris House One Month Later

I walked inside Chris house. "Close the door." When I turned around I felt a hand to my face. I saw white lights. Chris just hit me. I stood up "What the fu-" Then another slap. I fell to the floor. "Do you think Im stupid?" he yelled. "What are you tal-" He punched me. I was being beaten by Chris. "You're sleeping with James!" he yelled louder. He kept hitting me over and over. I just laid on the floor unresponsive after he choked me. "Get up bitch!" I just laid there.

When I came to my senses. I was in Chris bed in his arms.

I snuck out of bed and went to the bathroom I was fucked up. I called Tasha no answer.

I got all my stuff and walked to her house. It took about two hours to get to her house.

I beat on her door until someone answered. When the door opened I just cried and the person holding me kept asking questions. I had passed out.

Dear Diary,

       I get it Chris does drugs. How do I know his eyes were blood shot red. He smelt like something stronger than weed. Heroin. Cocaine. I have been tortured everyday and night. I've too afraid to say anything. He could kill me my family and everyone I care about. Shit.

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