Chapter 35

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-That Person In The Woods-

Rushing towards my house after knowing what I saw my little sister panicked. I was so scared when I saw her crying. "Dear God, tell me what's wrong."I looked at her, she was outside. I looked to the right. A car accident? "She's missing. She isn't there.!" My sister yelled.

We got closer to the car. "Who's car is this?" I walked to the driver side and nobody was in there. "It's my bes-." She was in mid sentence and then we heard a scream.

"Ahhhhh! Where is she? Where's my baby girl?" The woman ran to my sister and hugged her. What the fuck is going on?

"Ma'am I'm sorry but there's nothing that we can do. We don't have any leads on what happened." The police said to the woman. "So you're telling me you're not even going to fucking try to find my daughter? What if that was your daughter? You'd break your fucking neck to find her." My sister cried harder and hugged me as her tears soaked my shirt. "I texted James he's on his way here." She mumbled to me. I patted her back.

After standing outside for about three hours James, Tasha and I went into the house. After getting drinks I asked my sister what happened. "Tasha what happened?" I stood as James patted her back.

"I was in bed asleep when I heard tires screech, but I didn't think anything of it. I then smelled smoke an hour later. That's when I went outside and noticed it was Winter's car. I looked at the 2 cars but I didn't see anybody. So I called her phone and I saw it glow up but it was cracked and she was headed home. And then I called the police and her mom."

I stared in disbelief and she started to cry more. Then we heard the back door squeak. I took my bat and walked through the kitchen and saw a note other the door. I read it a rushed to where my sister and James was.

"Aye check this shit out." Then I started to read out loud..

This is just the beginning. Never know how life will turn out for you. I told you, I fuck shit up. Wonder what'll happen next. You don't have alot of time. She'll be dead before you know it.

We all looked around and Tasha jumped up and grabbed her phone. "Leo please pick up. Winter has been kidnapped." She threw her phone "Fuck!" She screamed again and her tears started again. James walked and picked up her phone and picked her up bridal style and she wrapped her arm around his neck. She clinged to him as she cried.

I sighed and looked at a photo album. After seeing a picture of me and my sister, there was a strange girl kissing my cheek. I took the picture out and read the back.

Then it hit me. We were bestfriends when we were little. Winter was the girl I had a crush on since I was little. Aw shit. What happened when I left?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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