C.L- Letter

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Dear Caspar,

The letter starts. Caspar settles himself in his own chair, firmly gripping the smooth paper.

I am writing this letter.. well, to Thank you. It wasn't easy doing this, you goof

He chuckles as he leans back. Y/n's hand writing was neat, the black ink written across the white paper made her hand writing neat and beautiful.

I also wanted to tell you... I made the 100 paper cranes you told me to do..

He smiled as he remembers that day, the day he and Y/n became close.

One, one day that changed my life forever when I saw you running around the street.

Two, two hearts that connected when you finally said "hi"

Three, three words that made me feel special.

Caspar smiles became more and more brighter as he continued reading.

Four, four minutes of you making me feel, as if fireworks lit up everywhere as your lips touched mine

Five, five years of us understanding each other with affection and love

Six, six promise rings that we bought for each other

Seven, seven laughters that filled my ears and heart

Eight, eight teardrops that changed me

Nine, nine kisses on my faces every morning

And ten, ten hugs that you never fail you give me everyday.

Thank you so much, Casp. You made me feel so special in these 5 years that we spent. Together. I won't forget those memories, specially the words that you told me. Casp, I'm sorry if I can't be there besides you, but I promise, i'll always be looking after you. You changed my life, Casp x Thank you. I love you. Now, go on and be happy for me, Caspar. You deserve so much more. Never forget to smile, okay?

With love,
Y/n L/n

Caspar wiped the tear from his cheek and sniffed. He gently folds the letter and puts it inside his pocket. He stands up and picks up the basket full of paper cranes.

| t i m e s k i p |

Caspar arrives at the cementary. He grips the basket tightly, deep breathing as he tries to stop himself from crying.

He kneels on one knee and brushes away some dirt on her gravestone.

"Hey, Jack just gave me these-" He holds up the letter and basket "-I didn't knew you'd take my dare seriously, you smol bean" He laughs.

"I miss you, N/n. Life hasn't been always the same.." He breaths out. He looks up and smiles, "But I know you're happy now. I'll always love you, Y/n"


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